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You and Minpha are walking down the hallway together between classes. She brushes up against your shoulder and you playfully shove her back.

Minpha: "Hey watch it! It was an accident!"

You: "Chill out Minnie, I'm just playing, and hm you never are gonna grow out of that pink hair. Are you?"

Minpha: "Eh probably not? Why? Do you not like it?? Should I change the color?"

You: "No Minnie it looks great on you! You don't have to change anything!"

She smiled happily and you turn to her, poking her head. Minpha Angrily pushes your hand away and you both laugh. She lays her head on your shoulder and you make your way to gym class.

You: "You know we are starting the swimming unit, right? Aren't you gonna participate?"

Minpha: "No not this time. I got a note, so I don't have to swim at all! I'm not letting that pool water ruin my pink dye! Fuck that~"

You both walk into the girls Lockerroom and you go to get changed into your swim suit, Minpha sits down on the benches next to the lockers. You come out of the bathroom and jump on Minpha's back.

You: "These colors look awful on me. Don't you think? I look like that girl from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory!"

Minpha: "Noooo you look fine. Shush, now can you come with me so I can hand the teacher my note??"

You: "Fine sure! Let's go then!"

You grab Minpha's hand and you walk out into the pool area, you both walked up to the teacher and Minpha handed her the note.

"Alright well this all looks correct. Okay Minpha you're excused for the rest of the unit."

Minpha: "Okay thank you."

You grab Minpha's hand and walk away, you catch her staring at your body and you snake your arms around her waist and tickle her, she goes limp in your arms, trying to fight back.

Minpha: " Holy shit ______ stop! You know I hate that! Stop it! Please!"

You: " Than watch where your eyes wander next time, pervert!!"

Minpha: " But why??? You look so good! I'm practically dripping!"

Minpha rolled her eyes and you could hear the sarcasm in her voice. You move away and push her back playfully.

You: "You're not suppose to be over here! Go sit down, asshat!"

You go over to the pool and slip in. As your playing with your classmates, Minpha's eyes are locked on you. Watching your every move.

Minpha (to herself): "Oh god she looks so cute. Fuck why won't she just like me?"

Forty-five minutes pass and your teacher blows her whistle and everyone gets out of the pool. Minpha gets up and helps you out. You both walk back into the Lockerroom and you peel the wet bathing suit off your body and wrap a towel around you. Minpha opens your locker and hands you your clothes, while taking that oppertunity to study your body. Every beauty mark,every curve, stretch mark and scar.

"Her" Secret. [MinphaxReader]Where stories live. Discover now