Chapter 3

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"Oh, my... HEY, BUCK?" I called out into the apartment as I went out of the bathroom. "Yeah, baby?" I heard his deep morning voice come from the kitchen. I walked down the stairs, gripping the railing until my knuckles were white. "Ummmm..." I stood there for a second. "You might wanna put your coffee down..." I cleared my throat. He set the mug down on the counter and crossed his arms, leaning against the opposite counter. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "Yes. No? Ummmm...I..." I closed my eyes and turned my head away as I brought the pregnancy test out of my pocket. "Oh. My. God." I kept my eyes closed before I felt a force lift me off the ground. I looked down and saw Buck holding me up, laying his head against my stomach. He smiled up at me and took the test from my hand, setting it on the table before he spun around the apartment. "We're having a baby! We're having a baby! Yeah buddy!" I giggled and put my hands in his hair. "Ahh! Buck!!!"

He set my feet on the ground and put his hands on my cheeks before he looked at me for a second. He smiled and pressed his lips against mine. "I love you." He kissed me again. "I love you too." He shook his head as he looked down at me. "I gotta tell everyone. I gotta tell MADDIE. OH MY." He went to run off and get his phone but I kept my arms around his hips. "Let's just stay like this for a bit." He smiled and kissed me again before slowly sinking to his knees in front of me. I watched as he ghosted his hand over my stomach and leaned forward and pressed a kiss above my belly button. "Oh shoot! I should take out my piercing!" I facepalmed. "Hmm. You could wait..." He mumbled as he mischievously played with the hem of my shirt before he pulled it up and kissed a line across my stomach, causing me to sigh. "Damn it, Buck. You are so lucky we're both off today." I said as I leaned down and lifted his chin up before kissing him. He stood up and only broke the kiss to pull off his shirt and mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up and walked towards the stairs.

I propped my head up on my hand as I traced shapes with my nail on Buck's chest. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you." I leaned down and kissed him. "You're so damn beautiful." I blushed and smacked his chest gently. "Buckkkkk, come on." He smiled and kissed the dimple on the side of my mouth. I yawned and laid on his chest, closing my eyes and sighing as I inhaled his scent. I smiled when I felt his hand rest on my still flat stomach as gentle as he was physically able. I rested my hand on top of his before I felt myself falling asleep as he kissed my head.

2 months later

I pulled my shirt up slightly and looked at myself in the mirror, smiling as I heard the shower turn off. "Buck! Come here!" He came rushing around the corner, smacking his side into the doorframe and almost slipping and falling. "What, what, what, what happened??" I chuckled at his concern. "Look!!!" I smiled as he saw the small baby bump. He dropped the towel he was drying his hair with a wide smile. He came behind me and rested his hand on my stomach. "We're having a babyyyy!!" I said with a smile. "Yeah buddy." Buck whispered as he kissed my cheek. I smiled before I saw what time it was. "Oh, Buck! Oh my gosh! We have to leave in 45 minutes! And we can't be late today!" He nodded and kissed me before he twirled me towards our closet. I threw on an outfit before I grabbed my purse and ran downstairs, seeing Buck sitting on the couch. "Ready to go?" He nodded and walked next to me, putting his hand on my lower back and grabbing his keys off the hook. He had his hand on my thigh as he drove.

We stood in front of the call center. "You ready?" He shrugged. "Ehhh?" I looked up at Buck, who was pale and about to start sweating. "Hey. Hey. Hey. What..." I stepped in front of him. "What's the matter, babe?" He looked over my head at the call center. "She's my sister. And we're gonna tell her you're pregnant. Which means she's gonna know we had sex." He whispered the last sentence as I held back a giggle and he looked at me with panicked eyes. "Hey, Buck?" He nervously chewed on his lip and looked at me. "I think Maddie knows you have sex. And I think she knows that we have sex." I whispered before I leaned up and kissed the tip of his nose. We walked in and Sue pointed us to Maddie's desk. I tapped her on the shoulder before she put her headset on. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" She stood up and hugged me before hugging Buck. "We have a gift for you!" I smiled as I held the gift bag out from behind my back. She raised an eyebrow as she took the bag and gasped as she pulled out the small sign and read it out loud.

Only an aunt can:
Give hugs like a mother
Keep secrets like a sister
& share love like a friend

She chuckled as she wiped a couple tears away from her face before she hugged me. "CONGRATULATIONS!" She said happily before going and hugging Buck. "I'm so proud of you, Buck." I heard her whisper and I smiled as he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her head. "Whoo!! Okay! Y'all get out of here. I got work to do!" Maddie laughed as she wiped some mascara streaks from under her eyes. We laughed as we told her bye and left. I glanced back to see her setting the sign next to her computer and a picture of her and Buck before she took a picture of it. Right after my phone went off. "It fits in perfectly.💕" I smiled and wrapped my arms around Buck's as we walked out to the car. He smiled and kissed the side of my head.

I smiled as Buck whipped the Jeep into a spot at the firehouse. We held hands as we walked up the stairs and I smiled as Buck called out with his loudest voice. "HEY EVERYONE IN THE KITCHEN. COME ON. EDDIE!!! QUIT WORKING OUT AND GET UP HERE. LET'S GOOOO!!!" Hen came around the corner. "Boy, I know you're not speaking to ME with that tone." She warned waving a butter knife at him. He swallowed and stood behind me. "No ma'am." I laughed before Buck set me on the bar and sat next to me, swinging his legs. Eddie came running up the stairs with a towel, wiping his face before putting it around his neck. Chimney and Bobby came out from somewhere else and everyone looked at us. "All right. You called us all up here. What do you want?" Henrietta asked slightly bothered as she kept making her sandwich.

"Well..." I trailed off and looked at Buck, nodding and nudging his shoulder with mine. "Well...we just wanted to tell you guys... Alyssa's pregnant! We're gonna have a baby!" Everyone smiled in shock before Bobby came over to hug us both. "Buck's gonna be insufferable for the next 9 months you guys." Eddie said with a laugh before he hugged us too. Chimney nodded. "Oh, guys, what do you think of these baby names? Actually, no. I don't want your opinion. Guys, I have to pick out a paint color for the nursery. Blah blah blah." He said in a mocking tone as I laughed and Buck shoved his shoulder. "Shut up!" I chuckled as Buck jumped off the counter and then I pushed myself off it. We told them all bye and then we went home.

Buck's POV
I watched as Alyssa ran upstairs to our office. I chuckled and shook my head as I followed her. "We gotta clear all this out. I mean, we've never even USED the office. Like...I mean, I guess we can put the desk downstairs by the window. Well..." She kept rattling off stuff as I smiled and crossed my arms, leaning against the doorframe. I tuned out her voice as I watched her running around the room with sticky notes and a pen, I don't even know where they came from, marking what to get rid of and what to keep. I watched as nursery furniture started replacing the office furniture one by one. I smiled picturing Alyssa rocking our baby to sleep while she hummed softly. I saw myself sitting in the giant plush chair in the corner, holding my baby in the middle of the night so Alyssa could sleep. I smiled thinking about going to dance recitals or t-ball games.

I was brought out of my train of thought when I felt Alyssa wrap her arms around my waist. I uncrossed my arms and wrapped them around her as I looked down at her and smiled. "What?" She chuckled. I shook my head and kissed hers, sighing as my lips pressed against her forehead. "I just really love you." She smiled and stood on her toes to kiss me. "I love you too, Buck." I smiled and looked around the office with her. "Will you get the guys to help you move all this?" I nodded with a chuckle. "Yes, baby. I'll get Eddie down here to help me. And I'll get Bobby and Chimney to help me with the crib." She smiled and nodded as we went downstairs.

Evan Buckley ♡Where stories live. Discover now