Chapter 6

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I rolled my neck back and forth and winced, wishing Buck was here because he can always get my knots out. There was a pair of hands on my shoulders suddenly, causing me to almost scream before I looked behind me to see Buck. "WHAT are you doing here? Just coming behind people and putting your hands on them?" I hissed softly and smacked his chest before he smiled and kissed me. "We had to bring someone in, I figured you'd be up here and when I came around the corner, I saw you rolling your neck back and forth, so I seized an opportunity to help." He said as I smiled up at him. I heard Bobby call for Buck. "Okay, okay go. I love you." He smiled before he kissed me and ran off down the hall.

I went home and started some laundry before Buck got home from his shift. He came home and kissed me after he hung his keys on the wall. "Hi, babe. Hey, princess." He rubbed his thumb on my stomach. I smiled before he started to gather stuff to make dinner. He started telling me all about his day when I felt something off. I rested my hand on my stomach. "Buck. Buck." I tried interrupting, but he didn't hear me and just kept talking. "Buck. Buck! EVAN!" He stopped talking and looked at me. "I think something's wrong." I sighed. He nodded and ran over, grabbing his keys and his shoes. "Okay, okay. Let's just go to the hospital and let them see. Okay?" I nodded. "Buck...stove." I said with a wince. He facepalmed and ran over there, quickly twisting it off before coming over to me.

We drove to the hospital and went to the OB wing. I laid on the table and avoided looking at the ultrasound monitor. Buck held my hand between both of his and rested it on his forehead, pressing occasional kisses to my hand. "It's okay, it's okay. She's okay, babe." He spoke softly. "But what if she isn't, Buck? What if she isn't okay? What if something is seriously wrong??" He sighed and kissed the side of my head. Dr. Matson came with a kind smile. "Hey, Alyssa. They said you were experiencing some discomfort?" I nodded. "Okay, cool if I get a look?" I nodded at her. "Okay. Perfect." She sat on the stool and spread the gel over my skin with the doppler. "I'm not seeing any issues. Your baby isn't in distress." I looked over at her. "Then why does something feel wrong?"

I gasped softly as I felt the same thing as in the kitchen. "Is that what you felt?" I nodded as Buck stroked my hair softly. "Well, it's fine. Look." I looked over at the monitor for the first time and saw the baby kicking and rolling her hands around. "Little Miss is just very very awake today. Everything is okay." I chuckled relieved as Buck kissed my head. We drove home and I dropped my purse as I walked over to the island and sat on one of the barstools. "Okay. I clearly don't need to trust myself anymore cause I overreact." Buck chuckled as he started dinner. "You weren't overreacting. You were being a mother. You're okay." I smiled. "What?" I shook my head. "I'm a mother." He smiled and kissed me before finishing cooking the pasta and sauce and dished it up.

4 Days Later

I got home from my shift and walked in the apartment. "Buck??" I called out into the...empty place? I saw his Jeep out front. I walked up the stairs and smiled as I walked into the nursery. I leaned against the doorframe and looked around the room. The walls were painted the light gray we picked out...all except for wall was painted a pale lavender. I walked over and hugged Buck from behind. I felt his abs tense under me. "Hi..." He turned around with a curious eyebrow. "Hi." I stood on my toes and kissed him. "It's cute." I whispered as he smiled. "Yayyyyy." I rubbed a finger along a lavender stripe on his cheek. "And you didn't just paint the wall it looks like..." I laughed as he pulled his phone out and looked at his camera, groaning with a smile as he saw the paint. "That's not coming off easily." I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck with a smile and pecked his lips.

Evan Buckley ♡Where stories live. Discover now