2. The Heist

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Tyler pulled up to a nearby bank, where the fist group of bandits have been spotted as the four of them carefully sneaked out of the car. Craig, Nogla, Brian and Ohm were already taking cover behind some trees and bushes on the other side of the building. Lui called a chopper ready for take-off. Tyler and Marcel partnered up close to the entrance. Evan and Jonathan were on the other side of them. They were ready, weapons in hand until Evan dragged Delirious to a nearby bush. They both kneeled down to hide. Jonathan was confused, raining his mask above his head.

"What's the issue boss?"

Evan sighed, placing both his hands on Jonathan's broad shoulders. "I'm sorry for earlier I just-need you to bare with me on this one. It's my job..."

"It's alright Evan." Delirious smiled, he understood him very well. After all, they are indeed very close to each other. But this time, he wasn't so sure, he just couldn't get over the fact that his boss nearly scared him. Evan grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. He pulled Jonathan's chin up to look at him.

"Hey, don't be scared, everything's going to be okay." He soothed him.


Evan kissed his forehead. "I promise."


Innocent people were on the floor, a few were men and some women with children. They had tears in their eyes, watching the footsteps slowly walking past by them. The bandits were all covered in black. You couldn't tell what they looked like because of their hoodies and masks. Three bandits were aiming their guns into the people, making sure no one leave. One bandit, who's supposedly the leader, was in the front register aiming the huge rifle on the women face. She had fear in her eyes.

"I'm not going to ask you again ma'am, give me all your money....or I'll shoot you right here in front of these people!" He shouts, making his rifle click.

"Okay, okay sir calm down...!" She trembled, opening up the register, slowly, making a dinging noise, she grabbed the money, one by one, putting it all in the bag. The bandit laughed as he watched the bag filling up with rich goodness. People prayed to be saved or have a miracle that the police would arrive.

"Looks like were leaving early tonight boys."

All the bandits laughed and cheered, feeling proud of their job. Evan gave Tyler the signal as Tyler and Marcel immediately jumped into the scenery, weapons at hand, behind them Evan and Jonathan joined in.

"Nobody move!" Marcel yelled.

The bandits quickly turned around, noticing the 4 crew members, ready in position, making the people gasp in horror.

"Shit, boss, it's them!"

"What do we do?"

The leader walked in front of his team. Evan did the same thing, putting a hand up. Jonathan, Marcel and Tyler set their weapons down.

"Vanoss, how nice of you to drop in for a visit."

Evan furrowed his eyebrows as he kept pointing the gun at him. "I don't have time for questions, who are you? What could you possibly want with that money?"

"Anxious are we?" The bandit revealed an evil grin. "Nothing personal really."

Jonathan felt chills running up his spine. He felt like something was up his sleeve. His hands clenched into fists. Sweat dripping from the mask making him nervous. Evan was getting furious, as silence filled the room.

"Look, we don't have time for this, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

The bandit let out a laughter, then slowly walked towards Evan. His eyebrows furrowed, his members were slowly backing away. Weapons still at hand. He was now a quarter inch away from him as he ducked his head low. He let out a sigh.

"Like I said, it's nothing personal...." He pulled off his black hoodie. He slowly lifted his head, making eye contact with Evan. He wore a plain white half broken mask, revealing his evil grin and his eyes were red with evil.

"It's just business."

Delirious heard a clicking noise. In the corner of his eye, he could spot a bandit aiming a sniper towards their boss. He swiftly pulled out his pistol, shooting him right on the face. Evan quickly turned to Delirious as he stood there, frozen. "Headshot bitch." He mumbled. He could tell he was grinning underneath that mask. Evan tapped a finger on his ear.

"Luke! Now!"

Explosions could be heard from outside the building, every bandits location had been destroyed and torn down. The ground was shaking. The leader was shocked. Eyes wide with fear and anger, as he threw a punch at Evan, right in the eye. He fumbled backwards and fell to the ground.

"Evan!" Delirious turned, aiming the pistol to the leader, shooting him in the right arm, he hissed in pain as he ran to his truck. They loaded up the money bags in the back of the trunk. "You'll pay for this Vanoss!" He yelled. The tires screeched as the truck sped off.

Jonathan ran up the Evan, helping him up. "Boss, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, but they won't get away that easily, come on." He grabbed Jonathan by the arm "Tyler! Start the car, I'm driving!"

"On it sir!"

He dragged Jonathan and ran out the building while Marcel followed behind Wildcat. Evan tapped a finger on his ear. "Mini! You and the guys help the people get to safety."

"Okay Evan!" Mini shouted. He and the guys were running inside the building as Evan and his members drove off to the freeway.


It was massive chaos. The bandits were getting away as they were in a car chase. Behind them, a second group of bandits were behind them, shooting at Evan's car. Tyler and Marcel were shooting back at them in the back seats, while Jonathan threw grenades. Evan had to be careful, things like this happen all the time. But it's with his friends he has to protect. One of the bullets hit a tire as he was loosing control of the wheel. He pulled up to an open alleyway and the four of them quickly got out of the car. Each of them ran and took cover behind some abandoned buildings. There were bandits coming from every direction, Tyler and Marcel had been shooting every last one of them. Jonathan also shot some that were nearly close to Evan.

"Jesus Christ! How many more of these are there!?" Marcel yelled, dodging a punch from another bandit.

Evan took cover behind a tree. "Just a few more, almost there guys!" Evan shouted, coming out of his hiding spot. He shot the remaining bandits from above the building. He watched as their bodies fell to their deaths. He noticed a shadowy figure heading towards Delirious from behind, he couldn't see who it was until he caught a pair of familiar red eyes. Evan's eyes widened, the bandit slowly pulled out a gun, locked and loaded, aiming at the target.

"If I can't end this soon, I'll just have to take something very dear to him." The gun clicked. Evan had to act quick, he ran up to Jonathan.

"Delirious! No!"

Jonathan heard a loud bang, fear in his eyes. Evan turned Delirious around, holding him tightly as they both fell to the ground. All was silent. Jonathan stood there frozen. Evan trembled. He looked up at Jonathan with those sinister blue eyes that shinned ever so brightly. He smiled. Delirious looked into his eyes then down towards his shoulder blade. A gash of dark red was staining his gear. Evan had been shot! Delirious felt his grip loosen him in slow motion. The red eyed bandit dropped his gun. He felt fear and shock. This wasn't supposed to happen. Afraid, he ran.

"Evan?Evan! Delirious quickly but carefully, placed him down on the ground. Putting pressure with his small hand on the bullet wound. His heart was racing rapidly, he can't let his good friend die. "Evan, stay with me please! Please!"

"Boss, come in! Are you there?" Delirious grabbed Evan's radio and clicked the button.

"Tyler! Tears filled up his eyes and sucked in an un even breath. "Evan's been shot!"

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