part 17

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Uday's POV

It's been a week since Manyata has been living with us. But it's like she is still stuck to that day when she stood up against her family. She has been completing all her tasks, taking lessons, going to office, but she is not herself. She has handed the reins over to the logical part of her brain and working on mere muscle memory, while her conscious has been on the back burner.

I have tried to give her space for the past week to let her come to terms with and process everything that happened. But this can't keep on going, something needs to be done.

I knocked on her door to give her a heads up, but entered without waiting for her reply. As far as i know she wouldn't have allowed me to disturb her sulking around time. Well a guy's gotta do what he goota do to stop his woman from moping around and being miserable.

Manyata's POV

I heard a knock on my door and ignored it as usual, not in the mood to deal with anyone at the moment. It has been a week but i couldn't get that day out of my mind. Was i such a disappointment that my family hated me so much. The only time i could free my brain from these thoughts was when i was working, so i made sure to put in long hours in the office.

Uday and Unnati have been the gracious hosts so far giving me space and time to get over all of it, but i couldn't be a burden on them much longer. Maybe i could rent out a space somewhere and be on my own.

"Hey princess" uday's cheerful voice brought me out of my thoughts.

All i could do in return was give him a weak smile. The first day i met him, i misunderstood him, and kept on doing it for so long. But i was wrong he has been the only person who has been by my side through everything, being my rock and the support system i didn't know i needed.

"Kya princess ab bs roti hi rahogi ya apne sapno ke Rajkumar ka ache se welcome bhi karogi?" He said, trying to provoke me. I know what he was trying to do, and i adored him even more for it. But i couldn't find it in myself to engage with anyone at the moment.

So, i did what anyone in my situation would have done and kept on staring out of the window, ignoring him in the process. It's not that i don't want to talk to him, but i just don't want another person in my life disappointed by my behavior when i am not my best self. Even my own father who is supposed to stick by me and love me through everything, finds it even a burden to exchange polite words with me. So, why should i expect anything less from others.

"Princess, look at me." Instead of being discouraged by my behavior Uday sat down in front of me and took my hand in his large one. The touch gave me warmth which i was lacking in the past few days. After five minutes when i still kept my gazed locked on the window, he held my chin and moved my face to look in his direction.

"Talk to me, tell me what is going on in that pretty head of yours. I can't see you like this anymore, sad and retrieving into yourself. I want my jungli princess back." he said almost pleading. Yuvraj Udayveer Singh pleading for something, let alone someone was a miracle in itself. If it were any other situation i would have made fun of him, but all i could do at this moment was try to hold back the tears that were threating to flow. I thought he would look at me with disappointment, but he only held sincerity, affection and understanding in his eyes that i was searching for among my family members.

When i still didn't reply he held both of my hands and looked into my eyes trying his last ditch effort to get me to talk. But there was something in his eyes, the longer i stared the more i relaised, i was not alone, he was right there with me. "Please manyata I am worried about you." Hearing my name from him, did something and the dam broke. I could not stop myself from crying anymore and hugged him with all the strength I had in my body, crying on his shoulder. But he let me be for the time being, let me shed the tears for sister that i never had, let me mourn the loss of the father whom i lost when i was kidnapped. He let me cry for the family that could have been. I found comfort and felt safe with his arms wrapped around me, like whatever may come i will be able to face it as long as he remains at my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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