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It's been a month. A month I haven't seen harry or the boys. A month since I started cutting. Yes it's bad but it helps me through. Harry and Georgia are still together and knowning they would be around town I never went out. I just stayed home.

I was in jogging bottoms and a jumper to hide my cuts when I heard the front door go. Who could this be? Mum and dad were at work. I opened the door and saw louis standing there with a sad face.

"What's up?" I asked. Yes I haven't talked to them in ages but if they needed me I promised myself I would always be there for them.

"It's harry." He said and I frowned.

"What about him?" I asked

"His breaking. Georgia broke up with him for no reason and he won't walk to anyone. His a mess. I think he needs you, badly. Pleased just come. I know things haven't been great but he needs you." Lou said and I said the hurt in his eyes to see harry like he is. I nodded. Ran to put my shoes on and grapped my phone and then followed Lou to Harry's house.

"His in his room." Lou said and I nodded and made my way up there.

I noticed the door closed so I knocked.

"Go away!" He said but I could by his voice he was crying.

"Harry?" I said and slowly opening the door to see him curled up in his duvet crying.

"I said go away!" He said sniffling.

"Harry!" I said forceful and he looked up from the pillow. It torn my heart to see him like this. All broken. I hated it.

"Rachel?" He said wiping his tears. "What you doing here?' He asked.

"Lou came and told me Georgia broke up with you. He said you were a mess and you apparently needed me." I said and he looked down.

"You didn't have to come. I would have gotten over it." He said

"Fine. If you don't need me and you think you can get over it by yourself be my guest. But harry when will you get over it. A week. A month. Maybe a year. I don't think the boys will want to see you hurt that long and I sure as hell dont. You deserve better. Just know I came here because I care." I said started walking out.

"Rachel! Wait!" He said and I turned Round. "I'm sorry. Lou's right I do need you." He said with a weak smile and I smiled back.

"Do you have ice cream?" I asked and he nodded.

"In the fridge." He said. I ran downstairs and got the ice cream and then ran back up.

"We're gonna have a old time movie night to get your mind off things." I said and he smiled. I sat on the bed next to harry after I put a film in and opened the ice cream.

"I'm glad your back. I really need this." He said and cuddled his side

"Me too. Me too." I said and we watched films and ate ice cream. I started to forget what happened this month and all the scars. Soon I fell asleep happy for once in a while.


I was glad Lou got Rachel back to help me. I was really starting to forget. Rachel fell asleep a while ago but I was wide awake. I started to rub her arm when he jumper sleeve slid up. I couldn't believe what I saw. Scars. She had cut herself. Was it because of me? Her parents? Georgia? Me being with georgia? Or the boys maybe? I don't know why but I felt angry with in me. Why did she tell me?

'Because you guys haven't spoken in a month maybe' my little voice in my head was telling me. It was right. We haven't spoken in a month but I still wish she had talk to me. I needed to talk to her when she woke up.

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