I need you.

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I was driving for i dont know how long but i somehow manged to drive to london. I dont know if i just done it or i needed someone here. I knew straight away where to go. The boys flats. Harry told me where they were once so i knew where i was going.


I got out the parked car and locked it. I walked up the stairs to the floor all the boys flats were on. I only knew which number was Harrys so i knocked on it. After a couple of minutes i heard laughter and then the door opened revealing a happy louis.
"Rachel?" He said confused.
"Hi" I smiply said.
"WHOS THERE LOU?!" I heard Harrys voice shout.
"Come in" Lou said and i followed him to the livingroom where all the boys were. Lou sat down again and i stood there in the doorway as they all looked at me confused.
"Rachel?" They all said
"What are you doing here?" Harry asked walking up to me.
"Ermm..." I said trying to think of something. Well i could just say thomas but i know Harry will get all protective.
"Did thomas hurt you?" He asked with anger and worried eyes.
"NO!" I shouted and then covered my mouth. "sorry i didnt mean to shout" I said looking down.
"Hey, its okay" Harry said taking my hand and pulling me to sit next to him on the couch. Liam muted the t.v and they all looked at me. "So why you here?" Harry asked.
"I had a arguement with thomas and i just couldnt be there anymore." I said
"Before you contuine, can i ask you something?" Lou said and i nodded. "Why have you got Harrys top on and shorts with no shoes?" He asked and i chuckled, so did the boys.
"I just got up and had a arguement and then left straight away." I said and lou nodded.
"So what was the arguement about?" Liam asked
"Ermmm.....You guys" I said and they all looked shocked.
"What you mean it was about us?" Niall asked
"Well he asked who shirt it was i said Harrys and then he went off on one saying why is it always Harry this and Harry that with me and that i should wear one of his shirts and then i sort of told him that i liked the smell of harry and then somehow told him he smelled compared to you guys and then he started calling you gay and i went off on one and then drive off." I said summing up everything.
"Wow" The boys said once i finished.
Suddenly Lou and Niall started laughing.
"What?" I asked smiling at Nialls laugh that i had missed.
"You told him you smell and said that he smell nice." Lou said between laughing. soon we all joined in and laughed as well.

We all were talking for hours and it was 11 at night now and i yawned. Alll the boys left to their own flats and that left me and Harry on our own in his flat.
"Can i stay here tonight? With you?" I said and Harry smiled down at me.
"Sure, i would love that" He said and i smiled up at him.
We both leaned in and kissed.
"mmmm.....Ive missed this" I said and Harry nodded.
"I agree"
"Come on lets go to bed." Harry said and pulled me up form the sofa with him. "you wanna another shirt or you alright with that one?" Harry asked and i giggled.
"Nah, im alright with this one." I said looking down at his ramones top he gave me.
"Awww, i was hoping you would give me my fave top back." Harry whined as we reached his room. I stopped infront of Harry and stepped on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the lips.
"Sworry" I said in a baby voice, "But i love this top to. Reminds me of you and smells like you" I said looking down at the top again. Harry kissed the top of my head and i looked up at him.
"I perferr that top on you better than me anyway." He whispered as our foreheads were touching.
"You i know, it does look better on me than you" I said with a smirk and Harry chuckled.
"I do love you" He said
"I love you too" I said and then we kissed passionately.

When we pulled away Harry stripped down to his boxers and we both got into his bed. We faced eachother as i had my hands on his chest and his arms round my waist making hardly any space between us. Which i was glad. Ive never felt so happy in a long time. Harry and the boys always make me Happy.
"Ive missed you so much" Harry said and as i looked in his eyes that ive missed so much.
"Ive missed you too." I said "I havent been this happy since you guys left" I admitted as we both just stared into eachother eyes.
"Im sorry, this is all happening to you but i promised i will be there to stop it and i will." He said and i smiled.
"How did i get so lucky, to have you?" I said and he chuckled.
"I should be saying the same thing" He said as he pecked my lips. "Get some sleep babe." He said and i kissed him once more before closing my eyes.
"Goodnight babe." Harry whispered.
"Night Harold" I said and i heard him chuckle a bit with what i said. He kissed my forehead as i laid my head on his chest and soon i fell asleep.


As i was laying there in bed with the girl i love din my arms i couldnt help but smile. Ive missed her so much and i cant believe that all this is happening to her. She doesn need any of this. She just needs someone to love and care for her and thats me but she cant have me. She has to marry this thomas guy. I cant believe that she drove all the way here just to get away from him and be with me. Im going to miss her so much when she leaves again.

I promised im going to stop the wedding and i am. I cant break that promise because i will lose her forever if i do. I have to be there. Just a couple more days....

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