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*Rachels POV*

I woke up and got dressed. As it was warm I wore blue shorts but with a black jumper to hide my scars. I then put my converse on. I got my phone as it started beeping.

- you coming? H xxx -

- On way R xxx -

As I sent it i walked out of my house and started across the road to Harry's. I knocked twice before louis opened it.

"Rachel!" He shouted

"Louis!" I shouted and then he hugged me tight.

We walked into the living room where everyone was. Everyone came up and hugged me and then we sat down waiting for Harry's girlfriend, georgia.

"Finally!" Louis shouted as we finally heard a knock. Harry went to open it with all of us behind him and sure enough it was Georgia.

"Hey babe." Harry said and kissed her. When they pulled back she looked at me disgusted.

"Who's this?" She asked

"Georgia, you remember Rachel, my best friend." Harry said

"I thought you said you were old friends?" She asked confused.

"We are but we're best friends!" Harry said smiling widely.

"Oh okay, it's nice to met you." She said and I could hear the disgust in her voice. What have I done wrong? Seriously I just met her probably?

"Can we leave?" She asked and we all nodded.

We all got into the boys can as it was the only car that fitted us all in. Louis was driving, I was in the passenger seat. Liam, niall and zayn sat one side with Georgia and harry opposite them. Georgia was being all cosy and lovey dovey with harry because of me being there I think. I really don't know what's her problem with me?

When we got there we all got our tickets and I went with niall to get popcorn while the rest went to get the seats.

"What's wrong with that georgia girl?" I asked niall as we waited for the food.

"What you mean?" He asked

"She keeps giving me evils and talking like she's disgusted to me." I said and niall shrugged.

"I think it might be because you're close to harry. She hates people being close to him. She hates us sometimes for being close to him. We don't really like her but we're doing it for harry because we know how much he likes her." Niall said and I nodded.

"Why don't you tell him? I mean sure she notices?" I asked

"We can't tell him. He won't believe us or be heartbroken. And he doesn't notice because his to in love with her to notice anything other than the good stuff. Plus she's all nice and kind around harry, you could even say fake." Niall said and I nodded again.

"You're really good mates." I said and niall looked at me confused. "I mean you're putting up with Georgia just because you see how much your best friend loves her. But it can all back fire you know, everything does." I said and niall looked even more confused.

"What you mean it will back fire?" He asked as we picked up the popcorn the cashier gave us.

"At the end she will do something that will break harry and he will probably be more heartbroken than if he found out now. I'm not saying you should tell him I'm just warning you." I said as Niall paid and we went to the theatre.

We sat in a row, Zayn, Liam, Niall, me, Louis, Harry then Georgia.

We were watching batman and it was actually quite good. I mean I'm use to films like this because harry use to make me watch films like this all the time. I could see from the corner or my eyes that Georgia looked bored. That she would rather watch a chick flick. She was hugging Harry's side while he had his arm over her shoulder. How I wish that was me....

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