Chapter V.

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Roxto was right. I can't do this.

And I'm being a total creep again. But I can't help it.

I thought and dramatically cried for satisfaction.

I slumped down the rock I was spying from and tried to collect my thoughts.

You. Him. Date.

Yes, that's it, very easy, very sim-


"Gjags" I screeched, jumping a little.

"Is that a word or was it just nonsense." Neteyam said chuckling and sat down next to me.

"Um- it's a word." I said tryna act cool and stuff.

Spoiler alert: I failed... miserably.

"Oh, cool. What does it mean?"

Shit. "Well, there's not really a word for it."


"So..." would you like to go on a date with me?


Fuck this shit I'm never gonna do it.

"So how are you?" I said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm good, what about you?" He said smiling too.

Those eyes, I could just get lost in them.

To not make this situation awkward I replied as fast as possible.


Oh shit

"....what?" He said laughing.

"Mhm- it's kinda my thing, I always say a color whenever someone asks me that."

"And what does orange mean?"

"Just orange." I said shrugging, looking in the distance.

"So about that dinner," He started and my ears perked up a bit, "I was wondering if it still counted since my father said to make friends and I'm kinda hungry."

"Yeah of course, we can fetch something at my house and go to this spot I know." I said and stood up offering him a hand.

He took it and we headed for some goods.


"You ready?" I said as Neteyam sat behind me, holding me from behind on my Ilu.

"Yeah I guess." He said and we took off.

Even when we were in water my heart was literally hammering against my chest. I swear Teyam could feel it but I'm kinda glad he didn't say anything. I feel like he's the type to not really care or at least doesn't show it.

Unfortunately we already arrived at the spot and I was kinda disappointed?

He climbed off, taking the stuff we took with him.

||Clashing eyes|| Neteyam x aonungWhere stories live. Discover now