Chapter 1. Task Force 141

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I adjusted my vest before entering the Helicopter, Commander Graves had something important to do and for some reason he refuses to acknowledge us on what it is. I sat down with the few other soldiers he had requested, I took a deep breath, sometimes having all these clothes, vests, guns, and whatever with a mix of tits on my chest makes it hard to breathe.

  The helicopter started to lift into the air, meanwhile I was admiring Graves, his hair, his veins good God, the way his mouth would go crooked at times. Yes indeed I have the fattest crush on my boss but like there's always a work romance right?
We had been in the air for about 25 minutes and I was continuing to stare at him of course looking away before he would look at me, felt like I was 13 staring back at the one guy who played sports and was in Science and Math (or Maths for you non Americans which realistically makes sense) Everyone had that crush right? Doesn't matter all I know is I fall asleep thinking about my boss.

Finally we landed, I got out, Graves behind me, so I put a little extra work on getting out of a helicopter. "Y/n isn't that embarrassing?" Not when your boss looks like him. We met with Caption Price "Gentleman and y/ln" Price stated before looking at Graves, "I assume you have what I need?" He continued, Graves bit his bottom lip, looking a lot like a puppy who peed on the floor. "Ah I see, well inform Shepherd that he best get what I need before I continue letting you and your men over here, you understand?" Price's voice was rather firm clearly stating his annoyance. "Captain trust me you'll get what you need soon enough I just need to find some things here with my men." Graves nodded his head slightly, crossing his arms, some of the men gripped their guns, I moved my hand towards my pistol, that's holster was on my thigh, my hand ready to pull it out if needed.
Price's face showed that he upset, "I'll show you and your men to the base, and while you're here I better not see anything go wrong." I haven't had much interaction with task force 141 but what I had heard and done they were tough, serious about their work, funny off hours, I liked that.

We looked around, it was a rather old building probably been used for military use since world war two. "You will need to bunk with another person" Price stated walking into the hall way that had doors entering into bedrooms. "Alright you two get that room, you two in the other, y/ln you share with me if you're comfortable with that." Graves said as Price left, "Yeah no I'm alright with it," why wouldn't I. Everyone entered their living quarters, "Commander if you don't mind me asking why did you put in a room with you?" I asked taking out a small travel pillow, "well y/n you make yourself very introverted, you often stay on your room at the main base or any base actually." Graves stated as he removed a laptop from his bag, "I felt that you would be more comfortable with me, considering you've spoken to me the most out of the crew if you will." He laughed rather quite, I'm glad he actually cares and observes me.

"Men" Price stated at each of his men. "As you can see we have some other members of this base, I expect you to be respectful and to keep to yourselves unless other terms, you may talk to the others but you may not take commands by Commander Graves, is that understood?" Price stated, "Yes sir!" Erupted from a few men, "my men you are to do the same, we have an important task and this was the closest base, I'm sure these men have work to do and you are not to disturb any of them." Graves took a deep breath "Do you understand what I just said" his voice got firm, "Yes sir!" Me and the others yelled, "meeting adjourned" both Price and Graves said. With that, everyone disparted, I started to go towards my room.

I grabbed my phone and airpods, freshly changed into a new outfit, I exited my room and bumped straight into Graves. "Oh god, are you okay y/n?" He asked his hands slightly grabbing my elbows,  "I'm fine, just a little bump." I chuckled slightly before walking off, babes when I tell you she started purring, she started to purr.
There was a couple guys from task force 141 in the rec room. Soap i believe, was in the kitchen area struggling to cut a sandwich into triangles, the other guy was Gaz who I had previously worked with before we were transferred, he actually got up from one of the loveseats and hugged me. "Wow Bambi, looking good, Graves treating you alright?" Gaz called me Bambi because my pupils will often get very large like a deer. "Yeah he treats me wonderfully, how's Price? He sounds strict," I asked back putting my phone in my pocket, "he's not so bad, stays in his office a lot but he's alright." Gaz replied, "hey Soap, this is y/n the girl from my old force I talk about." Gaz put his hand around shoulder, Soap turned around "Hey, did you actually take out 5 men with a pistol? You don't look like the type" he asked through his rather thick Scottish accent. "Uhm yes I did" I replied feeling rather awkward and uncomfortable, "ah well that's cool anywho back to me sandwich." And with that Soap turned back around to his sandwich
"So how's life? Anything interesting like a boyfriend?" Gaz asked as he made his way back towards one of the loveseats, "nope, life's pretty boring I've just been travelling a lot and being transferred" Gaz got a confused look, "wait so you haven't been Shadow the whole time?" I shook my head "I texted you remember? I text you all the time" I replied "Oh shit I forgot it's been awhile hasn't it?" Gaz smiled, I sat down on the large sofa that was next to Gaz, "so what about you Gaz? Anything cool with you." I returned the question, "like you said life's boring, I've been very career focused." Gaz smiled as he grabbed his beer and the tv remote, moment's later Graves walked into the room, laughing with Price.
Me and Gaz looked at each other, "don't they like hate each other?" Gaz whispered leaning towards me, "I dunno" I responded watching as Graves grabbed some beers from the fridge.
Soap took his sandwich and bag of chips (or crisps) and left probably to his room, "ah Gaz is it? And y/ln, glad to see you guys, what are we watching?" Graves said putting the beer on the coffee table located in the middled of the tv, sofa, and loveseats. "Yeah we're about to watch a movie actually if you guys want to stick around," Gaz said turning on the tv, Price sat on the other love seat, Graves sat next to me. "Gaz do you want another beer?" I asked getting up, "oh yeah sure," Gaz smiled looking at me for a moment before turning back to the tv. I opened the fridge, surprisingly it was stocked, I grabbed a couple beers before returning to the sofa, handing Gaz his beer while I basically fell onto the sofa.

We were almost done with the first movie, basically all talking about work, home lives, things we hate, small talk. "Graves is your life in Texas always so chaotic?" Gaz said laughing still, "depends you know, either you're shooting beer cans or your drinking beer cans." He laughed before sipping his beer, "y/n why'd you join the military?" Price asked before sticking a cigar into his mouth, "for the thrill I suppose, life's boring back home." I shrugged biting the inside of my cheek for a moment, after that question everyone explained their reasons for joining talking about what missions they loved and hated.
"Well I have something important to do, better go to bed, and I suggest the same to you Gaz." Price said as he stretched taking his empty beer bottles and dumping them in the trash as he left the room. Graves, Gaz and I continued to talk for another 30 minutes before Gaz left.
I moved some what closer to Graves, his hand touching the side of my knee. I thought he was would've moved his hand back surprisingly he left there, finishing his beer, "Commander, what's the real reason you had me bunk with you?" I asked looking at his hand, Graves froze, "excuse me?" He looked very taken back by the question, "I thought you would've preferred it like I said earlier." He cleared his throat, "are you sure you didn't prefer it?" I said, looking directly at him, "y/n you better drop it," his voice was getting firm, clearly I had found something he wasn't proud of. "Don't worry, the feelings mutual," I whispered by his ear as I stood up taking the rest of the trash from the coffee table and throwing it out. As I was about to leave I turned my head to see Graves staring back at me.

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