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-3rd person POV-

Katsuki has been with Shoto for a week now. Katsuki is still tense and was spent a lot of his time in his nest. He only comes out to shower and eat. Sometimes Shoto brings his food to his nest that way Katsuki does have to get out. But Shoto was never with him during the day and most nights.

Shoto was trying his best to help Katsuki feel better but didn't know how to. He was also working on the plans for the gang war. He was up before the sun and went to bed around 3 am. Shoto was still hiding his work from Katsuki.

-Shoto POV-

Katsuki has been with me for a week now. He doesnt like being around a lot of people so I introduced him to the others one by one. I introduected Kirishima first then Uraraka, Kaminari, Mina, Deku, Jiro, and now Yaomomo. I walked into mine and Katsuki's room with Yaomomo hoping he would sense her and come out. But he didnt say anything or come out of his nest.

"Hey Kat, I would like you to meet Yaomomo, shes the one that helped with your nest when you first got here."

"Hi Katsuki, Shoto told me you dont come out of your nest a lot. You wanna talk about it." - Yaomomo

I heard Kat start growling. He did the same with everyone except Kirishima and Deku. He seemed to like them alot.

"Kat please come out."

"No" - Kat was still growling and hissing

"Please Kat. For me?"

He stuck his head out but that was it. I could see he was still wearing the hoodie I gave him last night. It was an all black hoodie but on the sleeves there was a strip of blue on the left and a strip of red on the right sleeve. The hood was half blue half red too. He had a pair of black sweats on too but Yaomomo couldnt see them.

"Yes, Shoto?" - Kat

"Thank you, but please come all the way out love"

"Ugh. Fine" - Kat

I sat on the bed while Yaomomo sat in the the bay window. Kat came and sat next to me, he wrapped his arms around his stomach and started at his lap.

"Kat, this is Yaoyorozu but you can call her Yaomomo"

Yaomomo smiled "Hi Katsuki, nice to meet you."

"Whatever, yall are just gonna turn on me so I dont really see a point in telling me you yall are." - Kat

"Im NOT letting you go back to the league Katsuki, why dont you believe me. When I first meet you and talked to you in the car I told you I wanted someone to spend the rest of my life with. I want you Katsuki, yea I dont get to hang out with you all the time and yea Im not always around especially lately. I want you to be my omega Kat why is that so hard for you to understand." - I said in the calmest voice but I knew I sounded pissed off.

-Katsuki POV-

"I dont want to talk Shoto, I know who you people work you are nice in the beginning then you start using me and I would rather get beat everyday then get used again." I said crying

"Katsuki, look at me. I want you to stay with me, I dont want you to get hit on or used. And I wont ever use you. I care about you and Im sorry I havent been here lately I have some work to get done but in the next few days I will take a day off and spend it with you. We can do anything you want all day, ok. Kat I really hope you start to see Im not here to hurt you. Im here to love you." - Shoto


"Why?" - Shoto

"Because every alpha in the past 5 years have used me and threw me back to Shigaraki and Dabi. So why would you be any different?" - Me *crying*

"Im different because I want to love you and show you not everyone is out to hurt you. No one here will ever hurt you.I can promise that, as you seen they listen to everything I tell them. But Im not lying when I say I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to love you and maybe one day have a family, weither its biological or adopted I want you to be my omega for the rest of my life." - Shoto

I couldnt say anything, I was crying so hard. I want to believe him I do but what if he turns out just like the others. I dont want to get hurt emotionally again. I can deal with physical pain but I cant do emotional pain. I want qhat he wants I just dont know if he's the one. Maybe if I meet him outside the league and didnt get 'sold' to him, I would feel different. Maybe if I meet him myself I would feel different. I dont know tho. Even if I wasnt kidnapped and trafficed I dont know how I would feel. Plus lIke he said he's never around because of his work, what ever the hell it is.

-Shoto POV-

Katsuki has said anything for 5 minutes. I was getting worried but didnt want to set him off again. No matter how badly I wanted to hug Kat, I have to keep my distance that way he knows I wont hurt him.

"Kat please say something" I said but he still didnt respond " Katsuki please. Say something, anything really, just let me know your ok"

But all he did was run to his nest. So I decided to write him a note......
'Katsuki, I know you think Im going to hurt you but I wont. Like I said before all I want to do is show you love and care. I want you to feel like you belong somewhere not to someone. If you want you can leave. I'll get Kirishima or Deku to give you a ride back to your house. Ill be in my office if you want to talk. If not Kirishima or Deku will be in the kitchen. But if you do decide to leave, Im sorry for making you feel unsafe. All I wanted was to give you a better life. If you want to go back to your family I understand. I will miss you but I do understand if you dont want me in your live. Im sorry for everything, I really am. So if you do decide to leave, I wont try to contract you or see you, I will let you be and live your life. So this might also be a good bye.
Warning : you might hear about me on the news'

Ik its long again, i sorry

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