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-Shoto POV-

Before I headed back to mine and Kat's room I stopped by my office to see if I had anymore paperwork for the night. I walked in and saw my brother, Toya also known as Dabi, sitting at my desk looking threw drawers.

"What the hell are you doing here, Toya."

What I need a reason to see my favourite little brother? Really do you dislike me that much, Shoto?" - Dabi

"First, yea you need a reason to see me HERE, anywhere else you can stop by and you know that. No one knows we know each other Toya and I plan to keep it that way. Second, I dont really have a choice in the matter of liking you or not your family so im stuck with you. Now why are you actually here Toya?"

"Oh do you have to keep up appearances now?" - Dabi

"Yes, because you use to beat the shit outta my omega and if he finds out we know each other he'll flip shit. I can meet you anywhere else but here and you know that. Im pretty sure Shiggy told you Im the one that chose Kat. Now if you will for the love of god tell me what you are doing here."

"Fine, its about Enji. I heard about your little castle and your plans to kill him. I want to help." - Dabi

"I've been trying to kill our father for years now and all of a sudden you want to help kill him. Fuck off Toya. I didnt need your help then and I dont need it now."

"Shoto listen to me, I want to kill Enji with you but if you dont want my help then I'll just kill him myself " - Dabi

"Dabi get the fuck out of here and dont come back you understand. You come back I'll let Kat kill you."

"Your precious omega has no chance of beating me and you know that Shoto. For fucks sake your a Todoroki, we have all the power." - Dabi

"First off, my omega already almost killed someone and he had six fucking arms. I think he can beat you just fine with your fire. And second I know ima Todoroki, I just dont give a shit."

"The little shit you call your omega has no control over himself and has no chance of beating me." - Dabi

I pinned him to a wall "Kat's not a little shit for one and for two you kill him everyone will know who you really are and they will watch me kill you. You understand Toya, now get the fuck out of my place and never come back."

Kat walked in. "What is this Shoto, you know him?"

"Babe let me explain, he was just leaving."

"No, Im not leaving and missing this." - Dabi

"I. Said. Leave. Now."

"No stay awhile Dabi. You both have some explaining to do." - Kat

"Kat, yes I know Dabi, its a long story but I do know him."

"How?" - Kat

I looked at Toya and he nodded. "He's my older brother, we all thought he did when he was 13."

"So you became Dabi and joined the league. You really are an ass." - Kat


"Now that wouldnt be any fun now would it, Shoto?" - Dabi

"It would actually be alot of fun. Fumi, Natsuo, Enji and mom already think your dead. The only people that would realize your missing and would actually care is the league."

"What about your precious omega. You said he could kill me didnt you?" Dabi said with a smirk

"You go after Kat again I'll bury you alive. And I'll let your little boy toy Shiggy know."

Kat started to laugh. "You are fuckin around with crusty lips"

"Kat be quiet. Toya leave."

"Toya?" - Kat

"No shit sherlock. Im th oldest Todoroki child and also the biggest failure." - Dabi

"I dont think your the biggest failure Toya. I have both our parents quirks. So technically im the masterpiece and biggest failure."

"Whoopty doo, the child Enji wanted and finally got turned the tide and pissed him off." - Dabi

"Fuck off and leave. Now"

"Fine, have any parting words for me Bakuhoe?" - Dabi

"First, im not a hoe and second go to hell" - Kat

"Fair enough. See you soon little brother." - Dabi


When Toya left, Kat started going off.

"Why was he here Shoto!?" - Kat

"All he wanted was to help kill our father. I told him no babe. Im not putting you thru that again. If he shows up I'll kill him, I promise baby."

"Im going back to bed, show up when you wanna talk." - Kat

I handed him his food. "Ima talk to Kiri and Uraraka and I'll be right back. I love you."

"I love you too but he ever shows up and I will kill him myself." - Kat

kissed him on his forehead "I expect nothing less my love."

-Katsuki POV-

I went to Deku's room after I left Shoto's office. His room is always open except at night or when Uraraka is with him.

"Knock Knock, Can we talk?"

"Come on in Kacchan. Sure whats wrong" - Deku

"Its Shoto. His brother Dabi showed up and he was one of the people there when I was in leagues cusody. He use to beat us and seeing him here talking to Shoto kinda hurts. But in Shoto's defence he did have Dabi pinned to a wall."

"Dabi is a piece of work, yes, but he cares about his brothers and sister. He also wants Endeavor dead just as much as Shoto if not more." - Deku

"I know but it hard to see him here where I feel safe."

"Im sorry Kacchan and Im sure Shoto is taking care of it now. If I see him I'll make him leave." - Deku

"Thanks Deku." I said with a smile

He smiled back at me "Anytime Kacchan"

Sorry it took me awhile to post this. Life is still crazy, lol

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