Chapter 10. That's Not Ours.

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Atsuno sat on the grass by the front door, soaking in the warm sun while he could. It seemed like a summer shower was coming from the way the air smelled.

(Y/n) had gone and started wandering around in the forest, wanting to get a feel for their surroundings with the Chakra technique he had taught them.

He didn't worry about them getting in trouble with anything because it was a rather safe and peaceful place he decided to move them too. If they were out longer than he was comfortable with then he would go looking for them.

He heard their quick foot falls coming towards him from the forest. He heard them bump into a tree, something else sadly groaning as well which caught his attention.

He turned to where he heard them, finding (Y/n) walking towards him with a Bear cub thrashing around in their arms. It's paws were swinging in front of it constantly, (Y/n) holding it under the arms like a cat.

Atsuno raised an eyebrow at them, Pony walked up next to Atsuno with his head cocked to the side, eye narrowed at the seemingly angry baby.

"Where... Where did you find that?" Atsuno asked, tilting his head to the side.

"He was alone in the forest." (Y/n) said, tilting their head back as the baby wiggled around in their hold. "So I grabbed him, and brought him back."

"(Y/n)," Atsuno started, "That is not ours." He said, Pony giving out a huff of agreement.

"But he was all alone. I couldn't leave him there." (Y/n) said. They leaned their head against the Bears but pulled away when the Bear sadly moaned and swung their paws around again.

"That ones too young to be alone. The mother must have been somewhere else and isn't going to be too happy to find her baby missing." Atsuno said as he stood up. "Give him here before he hurts you."

"He likes being with me." (Y/n) said. "Right?" They turned their head to the bear with a smile.

The baby made a sound of protest, squirming and wiggling in their grasp in an attempt to escape it, but with no success.

"Give him here." Atsuno held his arms out.

Pony walked to behind (Y/n) and nudged their back, encouraging them to give the bear to Atsuno. (Y/n) sighed and gave the baby to Atsuno, who managed to get the bear in his arms without getting scratched. Once the baby bear was out of their hold, Pony started pushing them away from Atsuno with their head.

"Stop it." (Y/n) pushed their hand against Pony's head who angerly huffed at their action.

"I'm going to get this guy wrapped up before he can hurt himself or us." Atsuno said, the baby still trying to escape his hold.

"What are you going to do after that?" (Y/n) asked, following behind Atsuno like a lost puppy. Pony pouted at (Y/n) leaving them for the bear, his hoof stomping in the ground.

"There isn't much we can do. The mom will find us eventually." Atsuno said.

"Does that mean we can keep the baby until then?" (Y/n) eagerly asked.

"You weren't supposed to take him in the first place." Atsuno pointed out. "But, yes. He'll stay here until then. I might go out just to see if I could find the mother."

"I'll watch after him!" (Y/n) instantly volunteered.

"As long as you don't get hurt. He's a baby, but he's still dangerous." Atsuno said.


Atsuno had gone out, tracking the baby's scent to back the way (Y/n) had come with the baby in hopes of finding the mother around the baby's scent. He left Pony in charge and to get (Y/n) away from the baby, should the bear get too agressive.

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