Chapter 9. Sort Of Seeing.

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"I think you might be able to pull off the neat little technique I know of." Atsuno said.

He was perched on a rock, his pointer and thumb rubbing some of his long hair between them as he watched (Y/n). At some point, he had incorporated physical training into their little routine. If ever they needed to run, they would be fast.

"I can't wait anymore! Teach me!" (Y/n) eagerly said.

"Patients." He mused. "For this, you need to spread your Chakra out around you thinly. Not in a thick layer, but a very fine layer around you." He explained while approaching them and crouching to their height. "It's a rather draining technique, but the more you train it, the better you become with it."

(Y/n) nodded, "Like walking on water. But instead of focusing it on my feet, I have to focus it around me." (Y/n) said, earning a confirmation from Atsuno.

He could feel their Chakra around him and them start to spread around. "It's too thick. You need to thin it out more. You'll exhaust yourself way to much like this." Atsuno said.

The Chakra around them lessened, like a pressure being lifted slightly. He could tell they were patiently waiting for his next instructions when they raised their head slightly.

"This parts the hard part. You have to fell that Chakra now. More than before. What you did when you spread the Chakra around was spread to where you'll see. The more you focus on the Chakra you spread around the better outline of the objects around you'll get." He explained. "You won't see it with your eyes, but you'll have an image in your mind. A mental map." He finished.

(Y/n) nodded and their face turned to a concentrated one. They lightly moved their head from one side to the other struggling to focus it seemed. Their brows furrowed in frustration Atsuno noted, their little hands raising and balling into fists

They moved their head to the left, then the right, like they were trying to find something to focus on, but was struggling to do so. They let out a frustrated sound, the Chakra around them fading.

"I can't do it." They complained.

"What have I said before?" Atsuno asked, voice patient.

"You can't make progress without failing." They parroted.

"Exactly." Atsuno poked their nose. "Let's try again. Thinly spread it around."

(Y/n) nodded and made their second attempt. This going much the same as it did before. They tried to focus on their Chakra more, but it just didn't seem to work. They could feel their Chakra, focus on it to a degree, but not enough that they could create a mental map. They couldn't focus on It enough to see what it was moving around, what objects it surrounded.

They tried, really, they did. But they couldn't seem to do it. Atsuno told them to focus on their Chakra more, but they couldn't seem to focus on it more than they were trying to at the moment. They let out a nother frustratrd sound along with a tired sigh.

"Maybe were trying to spread it too far to quick." Atsuno muttered. "Let's try smaller." He suggested next. Atsuno reached out and took their hands, bringing them up to his face. "Focus around here, where your hands are instead. You don't need to do it as thinly either."

They did as told, focusing their Chakra around where Atsuno was holding their hands. They still tried to keep it thin so it wouldn't become a habit of it being thick and tiring amounts of Chakra they used.

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