1. Just Another Day

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"Good morning!" Akane's holographic personal assistant chimes. She rolls over and opens her eyes to half mast. "Today your hue is powder blue! Have a nice day with that healthy mind of yours!" With little additional prompting she climbs out bed and walks toward her bathroom. As her routine serves, she takes a shower and brushes the tangles out of her short hazelnut colored hair. She throws her yellow towel over her shoulders and sits at her desk to have her small table to have breakfast.

"What is the weather going to be today?" she asks. Her assistant recites the weather report then asks her if there is anything else she needs. Akane replies with a simple headshake and the hologram disappears. She finishes her breakfast and walks over to her mirror to choose a holo outfit. She goes with navy striped shirt, a yellow skirt, a red blazer and brown Mary Jane's. She grabs her purse and goes to her desk. She takes her communication bracelet and snaps it onto her wrist. Her looks over her outfit and begins to mentally takes account for what she will need for the day when her eyes fall on the box of Spinel cigarettes leaning up against her silver ash tray. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Not today. She thinks to herself.

She exits her apartment, makes sure the door is locked and takes the elevator down to the parking lot. Rain pours from the sky in droves. Their sound fills the air, pounding on the pavement left uncovered outside of the lot, the tops of buildings and the tops of cars. Akane pulls her coat in closer and hastens her steps. Suddenly she stops short and the feeling of a familiar presence creeps up behind her. She turns around but when she looks, not one is there. Pouring rain, just like the day I started working for the Public Safety Bureau. The day he and I crossed paths for the first time. She closes her eyes, shakes her head, takes a deep breath and walks to her car. Just another day at work, that's all this is.

She puts on her seat belt and taps the GPS icon; she hits the pre-installed work route button then sits back as the car follows her orders. It's just going to be another day. She ushers in to her thoughts with a deep breath. Coffee then work, that's all. She has a quickly morning coffee with a friend then changes into her uniform and reports to work.

Akane arrives at the station and walks in to the squad room. Divison One is already seated with each Enforcer at his or her respected terminals typing away on their tablets. Inspector Mori, looks over at her and pushes his wide rectangular wide framed glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose.

"Good morning Tsunemori-san," he muses with a his usual modest smile and his hands deep in his pockets. His short silvery blonde hair is gelled up out of his face and his icey blue eyes are soft and welcoming. His suit and tie are perfectly pressed and his leather brogues are shined to perfection.

"Good morning Mori-san." She smile at him and directs her attention to the Enforcers. Hinakawa Sho glances at her with one eye from behind is long, thick, red locks.

"Morning Nee-san," he says with his soft spoken voice. He goes right back to his work, typing away with his hands moving at lightening speed. Yayoi gives Akane a curt nod followed by Kaidou who waves to her and quickly brushes a few strands of his brown hair out of his face, before returning to his work on his tablet.

"Morning Inspector," Gino says without looking up from his terminal. "I've finished my reports for the last case." Akane looks to him, purses her lips to speak when her wrist rings. She taps the tiny screen, and hold her wrist a few inches from her lips. The holographic contact slate appears revealing the caller id.

"Inspector," Karanomori Shion chimes on the other end. "I think I found what you were looking for, his name is Uzumaki Yuichi."

"Uzumaki," Gino says getting up from his computer terminal. "That names sounds very familiar. Was he-"

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