6. Getting Somewhere

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The little boy puts his shoes back on, Kogami does the same then bends down and looks over his shoulder. 

"Get on my back," he says. The little boy does as he's told and Shinya slowly rises to his feet. "Hold on tight. Don't let go."

The little boy wraps his arms around Shinya's neck and secures his feet around his waist. He takes one testing step forward on to the fractured concrete. Carefully he shifts his weight to the same foot and takes another. With quick nimble steps and several minutes, the two are able to clear the first obstacle.

"How are you doing up there?"

"Fine," the boy answers. 

"Where to next?" The small boy points ahead to a pair of grey double door with a pair of shattered windows across the long hallway. He kicks his legs and Shinya puts him down.

"Come on," Diasuke says gesturing with his hand. He jumps from the piece of concrete they throws his weight forward, reaches out with both hands and takes hold of the damaged work desk on the next sheet of concrete. he pulls himself over holding only the lip of the desk and hoists himself up. From there, he leaps to a nearby office chair, another desk where a piece of the ceiling and the flooring for the floor above rests. He looks back at the former government agent. 

Kogami follows suit completing each task as nimbly as the boy did just before. When he reaches the desk, the boy climbs up onto his shoulders and stand on them. With a little push he reaches the next floor hoists himself up on to it. Kogami stands up straight and looks down. The desk he's standing on is acting as a bridge between to large sheets of concrete that have to be at least 2 feet apart. He looks up at the floor above where Diasuke stands looking down at him. Quickly as though he had been told, the boy backs away from the edge. Ko bends with his knees, jumps and reaches for the floor above. At that moment the desk that had just been beneath him cracks down the center and falls through the space between the sheets of concrete. The split pieces of wood fall to the first floor below. Shinya applies his upper body strength and pulls himself up. Once he's feet meet the concrete he stands a takes a few breaths then he looks to Daisuke.

"Where to next?"

The little boy points down the decrepit hallway to a small opening in a set of double doors blocked a net of sparking electric cables and two tipped over file cabinets about five feet tall each. The tiled floor below is cracked but still mostly in tact. Daisuke waves Kogami over and begins navigating his way through the debris. He crawls beneath one of the file cabinets and stops in front of the wires. He slips his backpack off, opens it and pulls out a short metal rod with a rubber piece on one end. He grasps the rubber end and touches the wires to the rod. Electricity jumps up the rod and stops just about where Daisuke's hand holds. He looks underneath cabinet at Kogami. He sprints over, climbs beneath the cabinet and looks over the live wires. Kogmai slips a pair of leather gloves out of his pockets and proceeds to bundle the wires together, wrapping the sparking wires with the non-sparking ones. When he finishes he lifts the two bundles upward and Daisuke crawls underneath, then Ko follows. The two sprint across the cracked tiles but just as they are mere feet from the next set of felled metal file cabinets the floor beneath Daisuke collapses and he beings to fall.

Shinya dives across the floor, catches the boy at his upper left arm. carefully he hoists the boy up and plants him on the floor along side him. 


"Hai," the young boy replies with tears on his dark lashes. Ko bends down and gestures toward his back. He transfers his backpack to his chest. They boy follows and climbs up. He secures his hands on the straps of the backpack. Shinya stands makes sure the boy is secure and he begins taking tentative steps forward. Quickly he sprints over the section of tile to the left of the ones that fell and carefully tests the floor beneath him. He sets Daisuke down in front of the double doors. The little boy removes his backpack and retrieves an old fashion lock picking kit. Carefully, turns each section adjusting so quickly Kogami can barely see his movements. Then the boy steps away from the door, reaches out and turns th knob. The door opens to a seemingly untouched portion of the building. The entire hallway ahead in tact with very few things out of place. 

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