4. The Only Constant Is Change

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"With in the city there are seven locations that manufactured one or all three of the medications. We could visit all of the locations and try and narrow it down but we don't have anything else to go on and that would take some time, Kaidou says turning to face the brunette Inspector entering the room. 

"That's good for now," Akane replies. 

"Hinakawa-san, have you found anything on this supposed professional holo creator?"

"I've uhh," Sho starts nervously, tossing some of his red waves out of his face. "I've been trying to get in contact with a few of my former friends to see if they know anything but, I haven't found anything really significant yet. Gomen nasai, Nee-chan."

"It's alright Hinakawa-san, keep looking." Akane puts her hand to her chin, Just then Inspector Mori walks in, greets the room and stand beside the senior Inspector who stand still in deep thought. He remains quiet for a few minutes then decides to break the near silence amid the key tapping and machine whirring. 

"Tsunemori-san," he says adjusting his large, square framed glasses. "I don't mean to interrupt your thoughts but, would you like to have a cup of coffee with me today? I would like to talk over the information we gathered from the scene; if you don't mind."

Akane smiles lightly and nods. "Sure, just let me get my coat." She gathers her belongings and the two Inspectors walk out of the squad room. Inspector Mori puts on his black pea-coat and flips the collar up with three buttons in place at the middle of the coat leaving the remaining button holes empty. he slips his hands in his pockets. 

"Where would you like to go? he askes shaking a strand of his platinum-blonde hair out of his face. The two exit the building and walk around the corner and down the street to a little bistro, place with orders and take refuge in a pair of free mugs of coffee courtesy of being law enforcement officers. Akane blow some steam off of her coffee and takes a sip. She sets the mug down. 

"What were you able to find out from the employees?" She asks. 

"Not much, even less than usual actually. They couldn't tell me much of anything. No one seems to know what really happened." He takes a sip of his coffee. "All they said was that it was a normal day of work at first. One tech said that some of the packing robots were moving the medications to the wrong places so naturally, all the techs in that department were up to find out what the malfunction was stemming from. While they were doing that, the facility was broken into. When they realized what happened it was too late. The theft was already complete."

"I see," Akane says as she takes a sip from her mug.

"What did you gather from the scene?" 

"A few puzzling pieces of information actually. Yes, in accordance with the companies programming the machines were malfunctioning; they were putting the medications in the wrong places. Some of the boxes were also otherwise disturbed and they were missing several bottles of medication that are apart of an illegal Psycho Pass clearing treatment." Akane pauses for a moment, takes a sip and clears her throat. "According to Kaidou-san, the combination was and probably still is sold behind the scenes to clear one's Psycho Pass but the same concoction could also become very addictive."

"I see," Inspector Mori says taking a sip of his coffee. "So it could be assumed that the same medications, taken in the wrong amounts could cause sickness or even death?"

"It's possible. The way that he described the concoction give me that idea." 

"We have to find out what these people are trying to do before this spreads. With the need to keep one's Psycho Pass clear rising, who knows how far this concoction could spread?

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