3. Clear Cocktail

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Division One files out of the Systems Analysis Lab and makes their separate ways to the vehicles. The Enforcers head to the paddy wagon lot while Akane and Mori walk out to the parking lot. The two get into Akane's car and set the GPS coordinates for the scene of the crime. Akane looks over at Mori who seems to be in deep thought; his silvery blonde, almost unnoticeable brows are furrowed and his eyes are focused. Akane parts her lips so say something but her work ringtone cuts her off. The Chief's ID card pops up on the holographic screen and soon her voice joins it.

"Yes Chief," Akane says."I would like a detailed report of what you find at the scene. Report to me as soon as it is complete." Akane replies curtly and the Chief hangs up.

"Sending evidence collecting drones."

"Were gonna need them."


When the two inspectors arrive, the area in which the crime occurred has already been blocked off; drones surround the building while they simultaneously sputter their normal perimeter babble. Small groups of people, most dressed in white lab coats, stand nearby gesturing to the building while they converse with each other. The paddy wagon waits closed waitng for commands. Akane authorizes the paddy wagon, it opens and the Enforcers step out one by one. Inspector Mori takes Gino and Yayoi to talk to the witnesses while Akane, Kaidou and Sho make their way over to the building. A security guard walks out of the building and meets the group halfway.

"The building has been cleared and your drones are just about finished collecting the evidence."

"Thank you," Akane says with a curt smile. The security guard nods and walks away. Sho and Kaidou walk inside the building and Akane follows.

Akane stands in the center of the room and watching the bots collect the last of some various pills. Kaidou studies several stacks of medication that have been tipped over and Sho looms over a computer terminal that is still blinking red. Kaidou picks up one of the bottles of medication, examines the label and walks over to Akane.

"Inspector," he starts. She looks up at him as he tosses his head to the left shaking a few strands of his brown hair out of his face. His dark green eyes focus on her and slowly narrow. "I know this medication. People I used to sling drugs with on the street, this is one of the most popular drugs, one of the ones that people asked about the most." He hands her the bottle and she begins reading the label.

"All evidence collected," the drone chimes. "Would you like to hear the results?"

"Run diagnostic," Akane says looking down at the drone. The machine fires off the information quickly giving a brief explanation of the effects the medication has on the body.

Kaidou's eyes go wide. "I know that combination." He snaps and slams his right fist into his open left palm. "They call it the Clear Cocktail. If those medications are taken in the right doses, they can bring down a Crime Coefficient and lighten the Psycho Pass but if it is not taken correctly, any one of these medications could really mess someone up."

"So the potential to have another Kamui situation is very high," Akane questions. "From what I understand about the case yes, but this is much more wide spread if these medications had to be stolen. They have several dealers and who knows how many other factories they've already stolen from?"

Before Akane can answer, Sho pipes up."Um, Nee-chan," Sho says his small voice cuts though the conversation.

"Yes?" Akane says directing her attention to Sho who is still stand by the computer terminal. "They have to have a holo tech on board because," he pauses and sticks one hand through what seemed to be a solid concrete wall. "This isn't amateur work."


"After you told me about what happened to Sasayama," she begins. Kogami feels a pain, a sort of ache in his chest but as quickly as it comes, it soon lessens and turns into a calming feeling, not like that of being comforted, more of a sense of closure.

"I knew that you would stop at nothing to find his killer. When you started missing our bi-monthly lunches, I knew that you were working towards your goal but as time went on, I knew that you were getting to close to the case but it was out of my place to say anything to you about it."

"You should have something to me," Kogami protests. She gives him a half-hearted smirk.

"Shinii-chan, you know there wouldn't have been anything I could say to change your mind. I just hoped that you would stay safe and do your best like you always have." Shinya tries to think of something to say back but he stops and allows his sister to continue. "I knew that you were getting close when mom said that one of her students were acting weird. She said that he started doing things that were out of character for his usual behavior. He was spend alot of his extra time helping her out and at fists she thought it was nice that he wanted to help her but it quickly got concerning. Then dad started complaining about how the machinery that he was testing at work was acting up and resisting his programming and it gradually got worse."

"Yuu-chan, why didn't you tell me about all of this?"

Yuuna wipes her tears with her sleeves and looks up into her big brother's eyes. "At the time, I didn't know that it was him. At the beginning I thought it was just odd and that it would pass because mom and dad never really had problems at work." More tears start to flow and Ko pulls his little sister into his arms.

"You don't have to say anymore," he says in a low soothing voice. "Get some rest." He kisses her on the forehead. She gets up and guides the hair in her face behind her ears. "Sleep in my bed." Yunna goes into her brother's room and Kogami stretches out on the couch and closes his eyes. Just as he is about to drift off into sleep, he hears a low chime.

Shinya immediately opens his eyes, stands and makes his way over to his laptop. He opens it, signs in and sees a tiny envelop in the top right corner of the screen. He clicks the message and while it opens he pulls up his camera feeds and checks each and every one. First the PSB lobby, the barrack hallways, the gym, the squad room hallways and lastly Divison 1's squad room where Akane sits accompanied by the youngest Enforcer by the name of Sho. He types away on his tablet and Akane looks on.

Shinya's eyes linger on the young brunette Inspector that he once worked alone side. Being able to work as a detective again, even if only for a short time; it really gave me to room work . Thanks Inspector. He thinks to himself. The envelope in the top right corner shakes and the computer chimes again. Kogami opens the message.

It reads: The information you have provided has done us a great deal of good, especially in compiling all of the reliable, first-hand accounts of the Sibyl System. We are in the process of arranging your safe transport to us. We will keep you posted. Continue to update us with any information that you receive. We hope all is well,


Matai Itsu Ka (We'll Meet Again) (ON INDEFINITE HIATUS)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt