8. Progress

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Author's Note

Hey guys Nu-chan here, 

From now on Matai Itsu Ka will be updated every Mondy :) I hope you guys enjoy the weekly updates. 

p.s. I know it's not much but I just want to let you guys know. 


*Art credit to the original artist*


"Nee-san," Sho says softly.

"Hai?" Akane replies making her way over to the young Enforcer's terminal. She stands beside him and he motions to his screen.

"An email?"

"Someone sent me this email," he states. "There's no address, no coding that's indicative of any hacker that I know...but it's simple, I could have figured this out when I was really young. Do you recognize any of the names?"

"Hani Okayasu, Sae Tamayori, Ren Kasuwagi..." the Inspector says under her breath analyzing each name. She repeats them over and over in her mind, pairing the names up in different orders. A cold chill runs down her spine. Sho looks up at her and his eyes grow wide.

"Nee-san, daishobu?"

"Haniaen," she breathes. "Haniaen!"

"They're thieves---3 of them."

"The Hired Thieves," Akane adds.

"I thought we captured them, their Crime Coefficients were off the charts..." Sho exclaims.

"But their Psycho-Passes were just above normal. Inspector Mori and I had to negotiate their arrests.

"But we did arrest them, I remember processing the paperwork."

"They were rehabilitated and released. We couldn't keep them and they haven't committed a crime since."

Just then Mori walks in holding a stack of files. Sho quickly closes the email window he had open and returns to a Word Document in which he had been typing. Mori sets the stack on the desk of the nearby terminal, takes one of the files from the middle and fans through it until he reaches the desired page. He makes his way over to Akane, scans the sheet before adjusting his glasses and offering them to senior Inspector.

"These are all the files on the man who attacked you," he presents. Akane takes another file and begins scanning the pages. "These are all the files, I could get my hands on concerning Kamui but I didn't find Uzumaki's name or the name of the other guy anywhere."

Akane closes the file, sets them down and looks up at her partner. "Have you looked closely at any of the names you did see in the files? Have you see any of the names more than once in multiple files?"

"I thought of that but, there any so many names that didn't even come in contact with Kamui himself."

"Go through the files again and record the names that you see more than once across all of them then, take the list to Karanomori-san and have her look them up. I will send Hinakawa-san to you when we're finished here. With his help she should be able to find something," Akane orders with seniority folded in to her polite tone. Mori nods and exist the room with determined quickness. Akane turns to Sho again. "Look into them. See if there have been inconsistency in their actions in the past few months. Keep this to yourself, especially the email. It's encrypted, correct?" Sho nods. He looks back up at the senior instructor with a hint of fear in his eyes but she nods at him and he directs his attention back to his terminal. "If this source is good, I will 

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