2. Reunited

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"Yuu-chan," Shinya mouths back. The muscles in his arms clench and jaw sets. He puts his index finger to his lips and she follows his orders. He walks up behind the man and pistol whips him on the right side of his head. The man falls to the left and cries out. His head begins bleeding profusely. Shinya's sister sits up and pulls her knees to her chest. All she has on is a bra. The man writhes in pain on the dirty floor clutching his head. Before he can even attempt to stand Shinya holsters his gun and deals a punch that drives the man back on the floor. He hits his head adding more blood to the small pool already on the floor.

Anger courses though Kogami's veins, his fists clench and un-clench as he breaths heavily waiting, stalling, trying to hold himself together. The criminal yells once more, swipes low and catches the fabric of Shinya's jeans ripping a long slit in them. He trips but regains his footing and dishes out a swift kick to the man's stomach; he doubles over. Shinya peers over his shoulder and there sits his sister dressed, watching and trembling.

"Cover your eyes." She brings her shaking hands over her terrified eyes.

Shinya draws his gun once more, finger trained on the trigger. The first bullet goes to the man's genitals. The man emits an earsplitting scream followed by a string of obscenities. The second, to his chest causes him to curl into a ball holding both wounded areas. The third is a head shot, right between the eyes, through and through. The man stops moving entirely. His body releases its tension, flattens against the floor and blood pours from his wounds.

Shinya's chest expands and compresses quickly as the vein on his neck pulsates and his jaw twitches. He holsters his gun and runs his hand over his face. He walks to his sister, and pulls her into his arms. She grabs the him by his coat and buries her had in his chest. She cries hysterically and he holds her rests one hand on her head. Then he lifts her chin and looks into her eyes.

"Let's go."

She nods. He wipes her tears, removes his jacket and hands it to her. She puts it one then he turns his back to her and bends his knees. She climbs on his back and he secures her legs at his side while she secures her arms around his shoulders. With her fastened on his shoulders Shinya exits the building the same way he came with little difficulty and takes off into the night.


"From what I've been able to gather before Uzumaki joined Kamui and going off the grid, he was a pharmacist and a therapist. He was employed at small pharmacy chain that works with the Nakamura Memorial Hospital. His specific location specialized in therapy medications."

Within minutes, an identification card for Uzumaki Yuichi pops up on the large screen followed by several other windows. He looks to be about fifty or older with salt and pepper hair gelled back neatly on his head, small dark eyes and broad muscular shoulders that contrast sharply with the crows feet at the corners of his eyes and the wrinkles in his forehead.

"Are there any red flags on his record," Ginoza asks grasping his chin thoughtfully.

"None that I have found at this point."

"Wait," Sho says in his low, timid voice. "Something is not right about this picture. He inches closer to the screen for a closer look.

"What is it Hinakawa-san?" Yayoi asks.

"There's a holo over the ID picture, what we're seeing is not what Uzumaki Yuichi actually looks like," Sho adds.

"How?" Shion asks look over at the Sho who's eyes meet hers then quickly dart away. He scurries up the the screen and points to the the shoulders of the figure in the picture.

Matai Itsu Ka (We'll Meet Again) (ON INDEFINITE HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now