Chapter 1

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"You're an idiot, that's what just happened, Stiles."

Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski were walking down the corridor of the hospital while it felt clear that something was going on. Stiles could barely believe that Lydia was bitten by Peter Hale and was now in the hospital. Although a lot was different, his feelings weren't.

"Yeah I know. Don't really think now is the time tho," Stiles said as he saw how a doctor was in Lydia's hospital room talking.

You can be very fortunate, Miss Martin. A lot of people are off a lot worse than you are.

Stiles rolled his eyes looking at his best friend as he showed Scott to be quiet.

"Yeah, I know," they heard Lydia say as Stiles looked shocked at the room.

"Where is Stiles? I need to talk to him," Lydia said as the doctor looked behind him.

"Mr. Stilinski, seems like someone is looking for you. Come on in," he said as Stiles entered the room.

Lydia smiled at him, her eyes lighting up, as she reached out her hand. Stiles took it into his as he sat down next to Lydia on the bed.

"Hi," Stiles said while Scott smiled at the two.

"I'll be back," the doctor said as Scott came in and closed the door.

"How you feeling?" Stiles asked.

"Sore. Other than that I'm okay, Stiles. Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for me," Lydia said as Stiles nodded.

"Of course," Stiles said as Scott looked at her.

"Hi, Scott," Lydia said.

"We need to check out your scar. I think I know what will happen to you," Scott said as Lydia nodded.

Scott looked at Stiles, who moved away. Stiles pulled the soft comforter down and slightly moved Lydia's shirt up, causing her to wince as Scott looked shocked at the scar.

"It's not healing like mine," he said as Stiles looked at him.

"That I can see as well. What does that mean? Because Peter is a werewolf alpha," Stiles said as Lydia looked at him.

"You're explaining that to her now. Why didn't you just..."

"I've told you she should now. Allison does," Stiles said.

"Allison's my girlfriend!" Scott yelled as Lydia grabbed Stiles' arm.

"Are you in a lot of pain?" he asked as Lydia shook her head.

"What's going on?" Lydia asked.

"I don't entirely know exactly what's happening with you, but, Lydia, you got bit by a werewolf. I promise I will explain all of it in the morning, but right now I think it will be a good idea for you to get some sleep, okay? You've lost a lot of blood and I can imagine that you are tired. Get some sleep. I'm not going anywhere," Stiles said as Lydia closed her eyes.

"If you can't keep quiet, rather go. Screaming won't do anyone any good," Stiles said as he sat in the chair besides Lydia's hospital bed.

"Stiles, she'll be fine. You go home as well, please," Scott said as Stiles looked at his best friend.

"She was with me when she got bitten by Peter. I'm not going anywhere," Stiles said as Scott looked at his best friend.

They were the two young boys who tried out for lacrosse. The best friends who got into trouble. But tonight Scott saw his goofy best friend being responsible and taking on life differently. In the same way his father did.

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