Chapter 6

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Stiles and Lydia were sitting outside of her house while both didn't know what was supposed to happen. Lydia was bitten by a werewolf and nothing happened. She had kissed Stiles and Stiles didn't say anything about it. Neither one of them really knew what was happening and that was freaking them out even more.

"Have you told your mom about anything yet?" Stiles asked as Lydia shook her head.

"I've tried to limit her with the knowledge. Figured that was best," Lydia said as she exhaled.

"I came across a very interesting article about my grandmother," Lydia said as she gave a newspaper snippet to Stiles.

"Lorraine Martin gone crazy after being admitted to Eichen House Mental Facility. What is this?" Stiles asked.

"My grandmother had been admitted after she has predicted people, including her wife, Maddie's, death. People thought she was insane. She screamed the word banshee," Lydia said as she showed another article to Stiles.

"Banshees are special who have the supernatural power to sense and predict when someone is about to die. As a result, they are considered and are often referred to as the "Wailing Women" due to the fact that they to announce when someone has died, usually those killed by supernatural forces, though their scream can also be used for other purposes. These women predict death through , which can be auditory, visual, or both, depending on the power level of the Banshee in question. When a Banshee has a premonition, the sounds and/or sights they perceive indicate various factors that will either lead to or directly cause the death of someone in their vicinity, which are usually people harmed by the supernatural or someone the Banshee knows. However, these premonitions are not always literal and can require a certain amount of interpretation. Additionally, since the future is always in flux, a death that a Banshee has predicted may not come to pass if the events or cause of the death can be averted using the knowledge gained from the Banshee's premonition. What does this really mean?" Stiles asked as Lydia looked at him.

"My grandmother was a banshee. Getting the wolf bite from Peter caused me not to become a wolf, but for those powers to be activated. I'm a banshee, Stiles," Lydia said as Stiles looked at her scoffing.

"We know what you are," Stiles said as Lydia nodded.

"We do, yeah. We finally know what I am," Lydia said as Stiles exhaled.

"Thank God," Stiles said.

He had leaned forward, crashing his lips into Lydia's. The kiss was much more intense than their first one was. The kiss made Lydia feel at home. The kiss made Lydia feel like she knew what she was and that she would always know where she belonged. She guided his head with her hand, pulling away ever so often for a breath of air, before kissing him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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