Chapter 5

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Stiles looked at Lydia. She was now fully healed and while everything was slowly moving forward, it felt like everything was standing still to that one night when everything changed. Stiles looked as he and Lydia were at Scott's with Allison and tried to figure out the next move that would be made. Stiles knew that Lydia still wondered about a lot of things regarding wolves and the supernatural world, but she didn't say much to anyone about it. She was quiet. Which Stiles hated. While looking at Stiles, Lydia smiled as Scott had put on the radio when a song started to play, and she started to sing along.

"I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive."

"Wow, Lyd. Didn't know you could sing," Allison said as Stiles smiled at her.

"Little that Lydia Martin can't do," Stiles said as Lydia smiled at the young boy.

All over the huge mess of that last game, Scott and Stiles have been getting questions from both their parents about what is happening. Even Allison's father have wondered what was happening and Natalie has been asking her daughter to distance her from the other 3 teens. But, her daughter has yet to actually do what her mother had said. Lydia knew that a lot went wrong when she mixed with other people, more specific Allison and Stiles, but she also knew that things were just slightly different now.

"I give up," Scott said as Stiles looked at his best friend.

"Derek was right. There is no logical explanation to what is going on here. Lydia is supposed to be a werewolf, but she isn't. Why? There isn't a normal reason for it nor a supernatural one. We've gone through everything Derek knows and Peter knows. I've given up with everything," Scott said.

"Maybe there isn't a good reason for it all then. Guys, I'm tired of trying to figure out what is wrong with me. Maybe Jackson is right. Magically, I just screw everything up. Maybe I screwed this up as well," Lydia said.

"Lydia," Stiles said as he sat down next to Lydia on the bed.

"There isn't any way for you to screw this up. That I can say with 100% guarantee. There is a reason for it that we just haven't figured out yet, okay? I'm not stopping until I find that reason," Stiles said as Lydia smiled.

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