4 - Bandaged Up

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(Angst and fluff uhhhh yeh.
Also wowowowow 50 reads thx)

At first, you didn't catch Happy Star's hint, you started to look around. There weren't that many things nearby that looked purple.

"Hmmm... that couch pillow over there?"


You kept thinking and looking around. To be honest, you were starting to think eye-spy was pretty fun.

"Is it... that vase on the shelf?" Your mother tends to collect pottery and display them on a shelf. One of the vases happened to be a lavender purple.

"Nuh-uh! Keep looking!"

After a few more guesses, you were about to give up. You thought you had guessed every single purple-colored object that was in sight. A thought then crossed your mind and you looked down at your arm.


The bruises. They were purple. You look up at Happy Star, who was also looking at your bruises.

"...Correct! Y..yaaay..."

Happy Star's smile faded into concern. You quickly pulled away your arm and hid it under the table. It looked like Happy Star tried to say something, but you wanted to avoid talking about the bruises.

Nervously, you blurted out "Erm.. My turn! I s-spy with-"

"What happened?" Happy Star interrupted. He no longer sounded cartoonish and energetic, his voice was filled with concern. Anxiety slowly crept into you, stopping you from answering his question. Happy Star stared at you, and then your arm, gently grabbing it to inspect the dark purple bruises.

It felt like your anxiety was consuming you. You couldn't move. Happy Star seemed to slowly come to a realization.

"That... game of hide-and-seek.."

You looked up at him. He looked at you, concerned and sympathetic.

"...wasn't actually hide-and-seek..?"

You looked down and solemnly shook your head. You started to shiver a little. Why did you have to be born here, here specifically? Why couldn't you have just been in a family who cared? A tear streamed down your face, falling to the floor with a quiet tic. More tears followed after, warm and salty.


You were snapped out of your existential thoughts when you felt yourself being hugged. It was Happy Star.

"Friend... I'm so sorry I couldn't stop that from happening..."

Happy Star sounded like he was about to cry as well. You gently hugged him back, resting your head on one of his soft nubs. Your body started to relax from the comfort of this warm hug.

The hug lasted for a good few minutes before Happy Star suddenly disappeared and reappeared, holding a roll of bandages. You don't remember ever buying bandages, where did it come from? Happy Star began wrapping your bruised arm with bandages before you could question him.


He sounded a little more at ease when he finished bandaging your arm. His cartoonish smile returned once again.

"...There! Is that better?"

You were never used to such acts of kindness. You felt a little fuzzy inside. You gave a soft nod and murmured a "Thank you.."

(That one lightbulb plush TikTok not only ruined my day, but ruined my week.
Send eye bleach.
Anyways 516 words. Srry for the short chapter)

happy star x reader comfortWhere stories live. Discover now