7 - Little Doodles

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(Augdhdhfhkdkf A/N: holy fuck I feel so sleep deprived I can hear myself blinking it's 2:30 in the fucking morning as I'm writing this my will to live is slowly evaporating before my eyes and I may or may not be starting to feel the symptoms of psychosis. Anyways here's chapter 7! :D)

You sat at the dining table with a bored expression resting on your face, your head being supported by your arm. Your family was still on vacation luckily, and you still had the rest of sunday left to do whatever. The thing was... you had no idea what to do.

You could mindlessly scroll on TikTok, though with everything going on outside of your house, it only leaves you bummed out. You debated activity after activity in your mind, deciding against almost all of them...

All except for drawing. Quite tedious in some cases, though fun nonetheless.

You got up from your seat with a huff, the scrapes from what you decided to call the "truck incident" making it a little harder to move around without feeling a sting or two. You ambled over to a closet not too far from you, which conveniently had craft paper, colored pencils and markers.
(A/N: out of context "truck incident" sounds like a lemon demon reference that wouldn't make this fanfic sfw anymore but eh I'm not changing it.(Ik exactly what at least one person will comment-))

Happy Star, also conveniently, was peeking over your shoulder, staring at the colored pencils and papers with curiosity.

"Ooh! what'cha doing friend?" Happy Star marveled at the pencils and papers as you carried them back to the table. Maybe he had a passion for scribbling and doodling too?

You replied to Happy Star, having a bit of a happier tone than usual, "I'm probably gonna draw a little! I dunno what else to do, and I guess this would be sorta fun!" You made a light gesture at the pencils and papers as you said "this." Now that you think about it, you noticed that you're feeling a bit better and happier than usual ever since you met Happy Star.

You sat down at the table with a paper in front of you, and Happy Star also sat (or rather floated) next to you with a paper of his own. Before you had the chance to decide whether you wanted to use a pencil or marker, he was already energetically scribbling little doodles on his paper with a marker. It only took a small peek to see that he was drawing what seemed to be objects with limbs. Huh... maybe they were some original characters of his? Or perhaps a couple friends he had?

Sooner or later, you finally thought of what you could draw: Happy Star! Though it's a simple idea, you thought that he would really like it if a mini-him was sketched onto a paper with care put into it. You snatched a mechanical pencil that happened to be in front of you before sketching an outline, some shading and smaller details following after to add a bit of pizzazz to Happy Star's simple design. After drawing his face, you added one last aspect of his, which was a friendly, waving arm to add a bit of personality to the drawing. You sat back a little, posture slightly slouched as you admired the work.

Happy Star seemed to catch notice of this, and took a peek at your drawing as well. A smile quickly stretched across his face. Someone would really draw a picture of him? Even with bits and details to make him look even better? He was astonished!

"Woah-! Y/N, this is really good!!" Happy Star beamed, showing enthusiasm towards what he felt like was appreciation towards him. You were a little startled by the compliment whilst in this half-zoned-out state, but flattered nonetheless.

"Aw, thanks! I also added a bit of shading- thought it would look a little better!" You chimed, before having a peek at what he drew out of curiosity. Both of the colored doodles looked to be objects with limbs, one of them being a sandwich and the other being some sort of Adobe Flash icon. You thought his doodles were a little strange, but you brought them up in a friendly manner anyways. You avowed, "Hey Happy Star, who- erm- what did you draw? Those little guys seem cool!"

"Oh! This one's Peanut Butter Sandwich, and this one's Flash!!" He proudly pointed to both of the drawings before carrying on. "They're gonna compete in my object show!! Called RIBS!!!"

You tilted your head slightly before asking, "Hm- what's that mean?" Happy Star was quick to respond, sounding as if he was rambling about a hyperfixation or special interest - it was endearing.

"Ya don't know what RIBS is, friend? Well, it's an acronym!! Reality Is Breaking Squalidly! There's gonna be a crazy cast of object characters, but only one of them can win the biiig prize!!!" He dramatically extended his arms out upwards at the last part to add a bit of effect. You lightheartedly giggled a bit at the name, thinking it was odd yet intriguing.

Happy Star then seemed to get an idea, his cartoonish smile broadening as he snatched a washable marker. You gave a slight jump in surprise upon feeling your arm swiftly yet gently being taken into Happy Star's grasp. He knew how fragile humans could be at times, and he especially took your safety into consideration.

You sat still as the cold tip of the marker graced your arm, a silly smile pasted on the star's face as he eagerly scribbled and doodled on your arm. Not too long passed before he snapped the cap back onto the marker, happily exclaiming, "Ta-da!! Whaddya think, friend?"

It was a drawing of Happy Star! Though it wasn't as good as yours, he still put quite a bit of effort into the doodle. You admired how neat each stroke was, a smile soon creeping onto your face as well. "Aww- I love it!" You exclaimed, awed by how warm and fuzzy you feel from what you felt was a kind, uplifting gesture.

"Thanks friend!!" Happy Star beamed, admiring the doodle with you. "It's like a mini-me on your arm, a tattoo even!! Haha!"

You let out a small giggle at the friendly remark. Where would you be without Happy Star, as well as moments like these? Whenever he's around, you feel as if all your worries just vanish. No school, no neglectful parents, no annoying sister. Just a gleeful star to help you through the day.

(So sorry I took way too long to update this fanfic, my sleep schedule is absolutely fucked and my online friend got fucking possessed by Happy Star the day before 😎👍 (I'm not joking) Anyways uhhhhfjcjdbdjcndbdkddn 1147 words ÆUGH)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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