6 - Reassurance

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(Just a quick A/N the POV starts with a random passerby then switches back to Y/N later in the chapter! help I'm so mentally unwell)

POV: Random Passerby

Wake up, work, drive home, sleep. Most people would find this routine emotionally draining, and they're right. But hey, it's the only thing keeping me in my apartment. And to be honest, the job I landed isn't too bad, either. My co-workers are nice, the office is clean— heck, I thought moving to the city would be hell from what I've heard!

Today was Saturday, the only day of the week where I can catch a break. I decided to head to a nearby café and grab myself an espresso. Even though I've barely been in the city for a month, I came to like the city sounds as ambience. I sat myself down on a bench not too far from the café...

Wait, that kid over there looks kinda young to be walking around here alone...

I shook off the thought. Why should I be budding in on someone else's business? Maybe that kid was just running errands for their parent- wait, why are they crossing the street? There's obviously a truck coming...

...Why aren't they walking faster? That truck's gonna... oh no...

I know it wouldn't be the best idea to do so, but I got up from my seat and started speed-walking towards them. Even though I don't know this kid, their life is more important than some cup of coffee. The truck drew nearer and the kid still didn't pick up their pace, I was about to shout to let them know but-


The kid barely made it out, if they walked any slower they would've died... A crowd of people surrounded the kid, one of those people being me.

"K-kid, are you okay?! Cmon, get up!! Do ya want me to call someone!?"

The kid started to cry... I felt bad for them. Imagine being in a situation where you almost died and a crowd of strangers surrounded you. That would definitely scar someone their age- wait... huh?!

T...the kid just... vanished..?

The sounds of worried civilians and phone dials filled the air. This isn't possible... how could a kid just- disappear like that?



"...F-friend, hello..?!"

You have no idea how long it's been, but you began to stir. You found yourself tucked into your own bed, grogginess filling your senses. It felt like just a regular morning, so you began to drag yourself out of bed-

"Y/N!!! Oh my gosh, I was so worried!!!"

Oh, it's Happy Star! You wonder why he sounded so concerned. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, besides your knees and elbows feeling a little scratchy.

"..Oh, uh...good morning, Happy Star!" You said raspily. You were almost cut off by his anxious voice.

He proceeded to rant anxiously, "Huh- what do you mean "good morning," don'tcha remember what happened?!? That wasn't good at all!! You could've gotten REALLY hurt if it wasn't for me!!!"

You rubbed your eyes and looked down to see bandages covering your knees and legs. Oh right, you almost got hit by a truck...

Undesirable thoughts seeped themselves into your mind. What would've happened if you got hit by that truck? Those people would probably only care for three days before completely forgetting about you. Heck, even your family wouldn't do much about it. They obviously had a favorite child, and you knew it wasn't you...

Your thoughts began to spiral, but you snapped out of it once you felt Happy Star's hands on your shoulders.

"Woah woah, p-please don't panic!! It's me!! Friend, you're okay now, you're safe!!!"

You didn't even notice that you were hyperventilating at the moment. You made an effort to calm yourself down, but you struggled. Every breath you took sounded like it was choked up by stress.

Happy Star's voice accustomed to be more reassuring as his hands gently stroked your shoulders to try and soothe you.

"Friend- hey, look at me! Deep breaths, okay? In... and out... in... and out..."

You finally felt the anxiety and panic leave your body as you took deep breaths with your one and only friend. Those thoughts that derived from the truck incident faded away as your body relaxed into his touch. In all honesty, you felt it was quite comforting. So much so, that you thought a hug would also be pleasant.

You opened your mouth to speak, but then hesitated. You often had trouble asking for even the simplest of things. However, it seemed Happy Star somehow knew what you wanted.

You felt his warm, comforting arms gently wrap around you. You couldn't help but hug him back, resting your chin on one of his nubs.

"Friend, just know that I'll be here for you! To save you or to give you a hug when you need it!! Haha!"

Happy Star gave a friendly chuckle. He was happy that he saved your life, and you were happy to have a friend.

(I have no idea how to end this off, it's 5 in the morning and I feel more sleep deprived than I've ever been. I'm sorry if it's not as good as the other chapters.
876 words)

happy star x reader comfortWhere stories live. Discover now