Esdeath backstory

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(Now it's time for Esdeath backstory and just like Kai, you will see Esdeath pov. I hope you like it, this takes place in the Empire and all the characters still alive too)

I walk around in the Capital and i notice some of my soldiers acting weird, when i walk by them and they start doing their thing. so i head to the other Jaegers, as i meet up with the Jaegers and they also act weird too but why?.

Then i head outside to think, why is everyone acting different and i need to find out why? I think as i saw Tatsumi outside and he was talking to someone in a hooded cape. who is this person i said to myself.

As the Hooded person leaves and Tatsumi walks my way, I ask him. Tatsumi... who you talking to i asked, oh! he is a friend and he tells me anything with something i need said Tatsumi. 

Alright i said as he walked by me, something not right i said to myself as i head back as the hooded person watches me. a few days have passed and i heard one of the Night Raids got killed and it was Leone.

But i know something is not right and as i walk in the town, an arrow comes out nowhere and passes by me. then i looked up and saw a person with the same mask from the Ban Tribe, so why a person from the Ban Tribe doing here i said.

Well I am here to kill you said the person as he tries to attack me with his arrows, but i use my ice to block the arrows. then he jumped from the top of the building and he used his sword to break the ice i made.

What... how i said as i jump back and i use my rapier at him, we keep blocking each other attack. so you are stronger then i thought i said, you see... It's the only way to kill you for what you did to my tribe said the person.

wait... you from that tribe i said as i made more ice walls in front of me, that will not stop me said the person as he broke through the ice walls. we started to battle each other, then i hear my soldiers coming.

so your soldier is coming but mark my word and you will for everything you did said the person as he stopped fighting me and leave the place and my soldier go after the person, i head back to castle.

day after day, week after week till the war has come and i found out Tatsumi is a member of Night Raid. i was on the walls looking at the incoming army with excitement. The revolutionary army begins firing cannons towards the walls which i easily destroys my ice abilities. 

The revolutionary army then proceeded to summon numerous danger beasts in an attempt to destroy the walls but I ordered Suzuka to give the signal to summon our army of Danger Beasts. I laughed watching the scene unfold and i commented that this was a fitting ceremony to commemorate the final war. 

Once the Danger Beasts had fallen, i ordered my ice cavalry to charge but Tatsumi charged in himself to fight them off. Eventually, I grasp my enemies movements and charges on a horse made out of ice into battle. 

While i was attacking the revolutionary army's troops the northern gate got breached so i decided to try to crush the other army's supreme commands but i stopped by Tatsumi. i begins to attack Tatsumi with my full strength but Tatsumi grabs my arm. 

I attempt to freeze him but he quickly manages to escape. I commented on Tatsumi's heavy breathing, I'm telling him that i wasn't even warmed up yet. As the battle continues Tatsumi continues to grow strong, much to my excitement however our battle is cut when a retreat signal is rung. 

I congratulate Tatsumi on managing to hold me back and says that they should meet again soon before riding off. After Tatsumi begins to overwhelm the Emperor's Teigu, i was summoned to assist him but i was intercepted by Akame. 

I block Akame with my ice but the ice is soon destroyed. I quickly deduce that Akame must have used a Teigu to boost her abilities. I questions whether I should be here facing her rather than trying to slash the giant Teigu but Akame confesses that it had no effect and that she is going to do her original mission, taking my head. 

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