Kayla backstory

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(This is the last backstory and this one... it's very different from the others, so let begin the story, lasty i will put Complete on this so wattpad won't do anything with this)

I was living in the forest and see my home from the top of a tree.

Kayla where are you? shouted my father as he was looking for me so i jump down from the top and use my magic to stop in time, land next to my father

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Kayla where are you? shouted my father as he was looking for me so i jump down from the top and use my magic to stop in time, land next to my father. Sorry father... I was at top of the tree to see our home i said.

 I was at top of the tree to see our home i said

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(Willson, Kayla father)

That good, but you shouldn't used your magic said father. I know but it only thing I got to remember my mother i said(yes, her mother has passed away), I know but we wild elves (grugach) don't want magic around here and that why your mother hide her magic said father.

But my magic is getting stronger and i can heal anyone i said, Kayla that is enough! said my father. Don't you see... If you use your magic, everyone will treat you different said father as i getting mad.

I... I can't do this i said as i run away from him and pull up my hood of my coat, Kayla wait... What I going to do with you said father. As I was walking through the forest and I was talking to myself about what happened.

Why don't you understand father, it the only way to feel when my mother still around i said. Then I heard someone shouted out loud, someone i need help said a female voice. So i follow the voice and as i did that, I saw a mother and son there but something wrong.

Hey your alright and what happened to your son? i asked, we were walking to try to find someone to help the Queen but my son pick up a plants, I think the plants he pick was poison said the mother.

Some plants do have poison in them but I help your son... may i? i asked as she nod to me, I started to heal her son with my magic and when i done. Her son feeling all better then before, thank you said the mother.

your welcome and how are you feeling now? i asked, all better now... Thank you miss said the kid. What your name miss said the mother, my name is Kayla i said as we heard something and some knights show up.

Uh oh i said to myself as I know they are human, there you are and did you find someone to help the Queen? asked the knight. I think we did, meet Kayla who heal my son said the mother, so you did that?! said the knight as i nod to them.

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