Chapter 1: She's NOT Ireena!

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"Right then, I see that look in your eye. Let's get this over with swiftly, shall we?"

That was the first thing Miyori said to him. This Satyr who contracted Vampirism, who he was using magic on to watch Ireena's every move, was used against him. Ireena was long gone, and so was the rest of this Satyr's adventuring party.

Apparently, her party, especially that rogue, had caught on to the fact that he was using her to see... to listen. So they felt as though they had to get rid of her, and quickly. They also knew that he was after the reincarnation of his dear Tatyana, Ireena. So they used a potion of disguise on Miyori to make her look exactly like Ireena and dropped her off here.

What a way to kill two birds with one stone. What's worse is that he, Strahd, Lord of Barovia... fell for it.

And that was the first thing she said to him after the potion wore off. She was asking to die.

"Well?" Miyori spoke through those black stained lips of hers. "What's taking you? Aren't you upset?"

"...What?" He finally spoke, squinting at her.

"What do you mean, 'what'? You heard me! Shall I make this simpler for you, Count Von Zarovich?" She laid down right there, on her back, hands folded on her chest. "Alright then! Let me have it! Kill me, I'm ready!"

He had taken a step back, offended. "What is the meaning of this? Is this some sort of mockery?!"

"Hm? No sir! I'm not a bard, sir! Though I am quite skilled with a bow and arrow!" She said, sitting up. "I'm truthfully telling you to kill me! What's so hard about it?"

"Why? Why would you demand this?... You're hiding something aren't you? You know where Ireena is, don't you, Miyori?!" He was growing more agitated by the second.

"I don't! Honestly, I wish I could tell you! Those bastards cut off all my senses, dropped me here, and made off with Ireena." She huffed in annoyance. "I don't know, Count!"

He looked at her, searching for any semblance of a lie. Unfortunately, she was telling him the truth.

"Then... why are you asking me to kill you?" He said, his shoulders becoming a little less tense.

"You want to know? Fine, I'll tell you!" She stood up in her hooves, tears welling up in her eyes. "I have nothing, and no one, alright?! I have no home, family, not even a husband or wife to return to! I don't trust them! My party has abandoned me because they couldn't trust me as far as they could throw me when I got bit! All I have is the armor on my back, and the things in my bag! I can't stand it anymore! I can't stand people lying to me! I- I!!-"

She began spouting a language that even Strahd couldn't recognize. Her voice had suddenly dropped a few octaves. It all sounded hellish. She grabbed fistfuls of her own hair and went on for a minute, at least.

"...So... so that's why. I need to die. I'm nothing but a monster and a fool." She sniffled and wiped a tear off her cheek begrudgingly.

Strahd thought for a moment. He could kill her, but what would he gain? Surely she already had a coffin built for her. She would just return to it and be another vampire, wandering the roads of Barovia. She was pathetic to look at, so much so, that killing her would be almost an insult to him. He could send her away... but by reading her mind, he had figured out she would just keep coming back. He covered his face and groaned. How annoying.

"Rahadin!" The count called.

A dark-haired elf walked into the foyer. "Yes, Count Von Zarovich?"

"Put this one in a dungeon, a cage, a damned broom closet for all I care!" He said, waving at Miyori dismissively. "Just get her out of my sight!"

Satyr-Vampire Miyori, At your Service! (18+)Where stories live. Discover now