Chapter 4: A Watchful Eye

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"Ms. Miyori?"

Miyori snorted as she was awakened from her deep sleep. She slightly lifted the lid of the potato crate that she had fallen asleep in.

It was just Rahadin. She sighed in relief.

"Oh! Good morning, Rahadin!" She smiled as she hopped out of the crate. "How do you do this morning?"

"I'm well. Would you like some coffee?" He said, offering her a mug.

"Oooh! Yes please!" She took the mug and took a sip. It already had the right amount of cream and sugar in it. "H-how did you-?"

"Master did a bit of searching around your mind again." He shrugged.

Miyori blushed brightly. "O-oh did he? No wonder why it's perfect." She kept drinking.

"Miyori, I must tell you something... about Strahd." Before going on, he looked down the stairwell to check if Strahd was listening. "Ludmilla told me everything, you know." He whispered. "If you choose to pursue a relationship with Strahd, know that he will tire easily if you don't keep his attention."

She hummed as she finished her coffee. "I mean, I figured."

"What?" Rahadin raised his eyebrows.

"I mean, think about it! He's got three wives and an ex-husband." She shrugged. "If I'm next, I don't doubt that I'll be the last. If anything, I'm enjoying everyone's company! Even yours!"

Rahadin smiled softly. "Well... as long as you're aware of what you're getting into." He extended his hand to her. "I am always here, if you need a fellow servant to talk to."

Miyori smiled and firmly shook his hand. "I appreciate that, Rahadin! I really do!"

"Oh yes, if you're finished with your coffee, you must hurry along." Rahadin took her mug as she handed it to him. "Strahd is waiting for you at the tower staircase. He insisted on escorting you. Something about 'not wanting you to get in a situation where you could die' or something to that effect."

"Ugh, of course." She rolled her eyes. "He had to personally see to it that I didn't try anything, I suppose." She dusted off her dress and began descending the stairs with the dusk elf. "I can never catch a break, can I?"

"Apparently not."


"Good morning, Count!" Miyori greeted him cheerfully. "Did you sleep well?"

"As well as I could." Strahd nodded.

Miyori looked up at the spiral staircase, marveling at the crystal heart hanging over it all. "Wooow... what is that?" She said pointing at it.

"That," he started, "is my crystal heart. It's connected directly to my heart," he said, tapping his chest. "If it takes damage, I take damage, and vice versa."

"What?! I want a crystal heart! It's so pretty! I want a closer look!" She began to climb the staircase, but was suddenly stopped by Strahd grabbing her hand.

"Not so fast, satyr," he said as he looked into her dark eyes. "I believe Rahadin told you that I have no intent on letting you climb or descend these stairs alone."

"Oh, yeah he did tell me that." She smiled sheepishly.

"He should have also told you that I am personally seeing to it that you don't try anything to cause yourself harm, correct?" He raised an eyebrow.

Satyr-Vampire Miyori, At your Service! (18+)Where stories live. Discover now