Chapter 9: Prep Time!

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The letters were sent. The dress was bought. The stage was basically set, and Miyori had some of the most powerful vampires on her side. Everything seemed to be going well according to plan.

For some reason though, she was absolutely restless.

This was her first big revenge! The turning point in which she would declare herself a villain! A femme fatale like Anastrasya said! Everything had to be perfect!

She was on her hooves for the majority of the last few days, making sure that everything was right.

"Escher!" She called out. "How's your sword?"

"Sharpened, shined and golden!" Escher responded as he marveled at his handiwork. "If I weren't a vampire, I would probably be able to see myself in it!"

"Perfect!" She nodded. "Ludmilla! Anastrasya! Volenta! You all have your animal friends at the ready, yes?"

"We've all discussed, and we've decided that Volenta's spiders will be most useful." Ludmilla nodded.

"Yeah! You did say that Fitz was a runner, so I'll easily be able to snag him!" Volenta smiled.

"But just in case," Anastrasya continued, "Ludmilla and I were sure to instruct the mice and wolves to be on standby at any possible exit that slippery snake could take!"

"Absolutely wonderful! Brilliant!" Miyori smiled as she walked into the dining hall.

The table was set. Everything seemed so pretty. The fine china sparkled like brand new.

"Rahadin! How's everything going in here?" She asked.

"Oh! Everything is set to perfection. All that's really left is to serve the food." He nodded.

"And how are we on the food? Is it enough to make them bring their guard down?" She clasped her hands together.

"They would probably think they were being served by a gracious king, only here to make polite conversation over dinner." He smiled softly.

"Great! I'm glad!" Miyori smiled nervously.

"...Ms. Miyori, if I may-" He started.

"What? Is something missing? Did my dress catch onto something and rip?!" She panicked.

"Everything is fine, but... I can't help but notice that you seem stressed." He tilted his head.

"Stress?! Hah! I barely know the word!" It was obvious that she was faking a smile.

"Ms. Miyori, I know tensions are high, but-"

"Dammit! I said I was fine, Rahadin!" She snapped back before realizing what she'd done. "Ah... I'm sorry." She loosened up. "I'm just..."

"Nervous, madam?" Rahadin raised an eyebrow.

She nodded, a little embarrassed.

"I don't blame you." Rahadin nodded. "This is a very important point in your life it seems. You probably think that perfection will give you the best results, but need I remind you, it's not your perfection that everyone in this castle has come to love."

She sighed and smiled. "I know, I'm just... worried. I've never done anything like this before... a few months ago I would have never thought about something like this."

Rahadin nodded as she went on.

"What I'm really worried about," she continued, "is one of you all getting hurt. What if they get one of the brides, or Strahd, or you?! I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, I'd-"

Satyr-Vampire Miyori, At your Service! (18+)Where stories live. Discover now