Chapter 2: Songs in the halls

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It was not a joke. He had actually sent Rahadin to find a maid's outfit from the old Servant's upper floor, and he had found one.

"You are aware that you could have told me no, right?" Miyori said, blushing. "I didn't actually-"

"Are you backing out of your request?" Strahd smirked. Obviously this seemed like it was bothering her. This was a punishment, so he had to try and at least humiliate her when he could. He couldn't have her enjoying herself, not after the trick her party pulled. "I demand that you wear it, since it bothers you so much."

She rolled her eyes and took the dress and apron from Rahadin. "You could have lied and told him that you couldn't find one or something, Rahadin!" She huffed.

"Perhaps it wasn't wise for you to joke about it." He shrugged. "You are a prisoner and a servant, after all. You have to do what he says. Here, I'll lead you somewhere to change."

After a minute or so, Rahadin met Strahd back in the Great Entry.

"Well?" Strahd raised an eyebrow. "Did she protest at all? If she caused you any trouble, I could-"

"Oh, no, actually." The elf shrugged. "If anything she just complained that it was a little dusty."

"Hm. I was honestly expecting a bit more out of her." The vampire said, stroking his chin. "From what I've seen, she usually is a fighter. Well, not literally a fighter. She usually uses a bow and arrow from what I remember, but you understand what I mean."

"I understand, master, but don't you remember the state we found her in? She has no will to live, let alone fight." Rahadin added. "I don't see why she would-"

"I found cleaning supplies!" Miyori sang out cheerfully as she entered the room. She had a feather duster in hand, and a broom tied to her back by the ribbons of her apron. The black dress just barely reached above her knees. "Alright, what do I do first, hm?" She scanned the room, and before Strahd or Rahadin could answer, she pointed up at the ceiling, towards the eight stone gargoyles. "Wait! Don't tell me! Look at those poor little babies!"

Rahadin and Strahd looked up at the gargoyles. They were quite dusty by the looks of it.

"Hold on you precious little gargoyles! Here comes Miyori!" She suddenly made a break for a wall. Before she started walking up the wall, she made sure to dust off her hooves, making sure they were clean. She looked around as she traveled up the wall. "Oof, these columns are absolutely covered in cobwebs too! Oh my days, do we not take care of our space around here?" She huffed as she stood on the ceiling, completely upside down.

She put her hands on her hips and looked down at the vampire, his eyes watching her every move. "Now how do we expect to have guests with the place looking like... well, death? Do we not care?"

"Do not push your luck Miyori!" Strahd pointed up at her. "Need I remind you that I will put you right back in that cell?"

Miyori smiled and giggled. "Oh, Strahd, you know I don't mean anything by it. I'm just poking fun at you!"

Fun? That's the last thing she wanted her to have, and there she was, pretending that this was a fun summer job more than a punishment. Maybe that's her plan, he thought. Her plan is to obviously irritate me enough until I'm pushed to kill her. I won't give her what she wants.

"Listen here, Miyori." The vampire spoke. "This entire room should be spotless by the end of the day. If it isn't, it's back to solitude with you. Understood?"

"Understood, Count!" She smiled and saluted. "Now both of you leave me to it! You don't want cobwebs all over your nice clothes, do you?" She waved them off with the feather duster and began carefully cleaning the first Gargoyle. "Ohhh, you poor thing," she cooed.

Satyr-Vampire Miyori, At your Service! (18+)Where stories live. Discover now