Chapter 10: Miyori the Malicious + Epilogue

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He couldn't believe he was back in Barovia. The constant cloudy skies, and overall dreary atmosphere was enough to give anyone the creeps.

I could have just relocated, ran away from it all, Fitz thought to himself, but that damned satyr would have found me again.
What a fucking pain.

"Fitz? Fitz! Is that you?"

A familiar voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he walked down the path to the gates of Ravenloft. He turned around, and he was right. It was Maeve. Thank the gods that she was here, he thought. I might make it out alive.

"Maeve! My god! What are you doing here?" He faked a smile.

"Well, I got a letter, see?" She held up a scroll of paper as she caught up to him. "Apparently the Count has something that belongs to my brother. I have a feeling though, that all he wants to do is take his anger out on me for misplacing his 'precious Ireena'. Ugh." She rolled her eyes.

He couldn't possibly tell her why he was here. She would definitely leave him to die by himself if she found out the truth. "Y-you too, huh? I got a letter too. He, uh, also said that he had something of mine."

"Huh, well someone's feeling generous!" She chuckled. "Though, I never thought of you being the kind to hold onto something that meant a lot to you."

"What? No, I got... tons of things that mean a lot to me." He shrugged.

"You sure? I thought you would have sold something like that by now." She nudged him a little bit as they walked along.

"You really think that little of me, huh?" He chuckled.

"I have my reasons to."

"Oh shut up."


"They have entered the gates, everyone!" Rahadin announced.

"Alright! Places! Places everyone!" Miyori clapped her hands. "This is the real deal! We're actually doing this now! We're serious, we're strong, we're... uh..."

"Vampires!" Escher chimed in.

Miyori laughed a little bit. "Yes! We're all vampires! Strong, serious vampires on a mission!"

Everyone but Miyori took their places around the dinner table. The table was filled to the brim with meats, fancy cheeses, fruits, vegetables, ale, and wine. Everything looked so pretty.

"Alright everyone! Before this all goes down, I'd like to say a few words, if that's alright!" Miyori spoke up.

Everyone turned their attention to her, and she began.

"I would... genuinely like to thank you all for helping me out with this. Like I've said many times before, I never thought I would be able to do anything like this... but with all your help," she looked over at Strahd and smiled. "I worked up the courage to do this. I would have never been able to do something like this without you all."

"And I believe that I speak for everyone in this room," Strahd chimed in, "when I say that you will do wonderfully, my dear, and that we will all be here beside you."

Miyori smiled and looked away. "... I am trying so hard not to cry right now."

Everyone laughed. She smiled as she looked at all her friends. At Strahd. This was her home... her family.

Satyr-Vampire Miyori, At your Service! (18+)Where stories live. Discover now