Chapter 12: Feeling watched...

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???'s POV

I see, this is where that monster lives, they looked quite interesting when I saw them at the park...

Hehehe, they could bring some good amount of money...

Door creaks open

Shit! I need to hide!

Y/n, Embry, Embers and Nagito go out of the house to take a nice morning walk.

Ughh... seems like I'll have to wait for the perfect opportunity to catch that so called Embers. I'll wait tonight, even a bit more earlier incase they choose to do a sort of midnight walk or just take a breather outside.

We'll see how it goes...

Y/n's POV

Y/n: Embry are you okay?

Embry: uhh yeah, but idk it feels like there's eyes looking at us.. don't you feel it too?

Y/n: hmm not really.. What about you Nagito? Do you feel any presence?

Nagito: Nope, nothing at all. Embers?

Embers: yeah I do feel the presence.. wonder what the fuck that could be.

Nagito: Language!

Embers: HAH, You don't tell me what to do! I speak in the way I want.

Y/n: don't even try, dude. Embers won't listen.

Nagito: 'Kay.

Embry: can we just go? I don't like this feeling and I want it gone, I don't know how to deal with it!

Y/n: hm you sound like Crona rn.

Embry: who?

Y/n: no one!

Embry: 🤨🤨🤨

Y/n: 😅 why you looking at me like that?

Embry: let's just go.


We all went back home after a long day of walking and visiting places around the area. We even got ourselves some boba tea with caramel and chocolate, it was so good~!

I was exhausted because it was a long day, so it was kinda difficult to cook, but I was able to do some Kimchi fried rice with some eggs on top. I thought it was a very good kind of food so I wanted them to try it!

Y/n: everyone~! The food is ready!

All of them came barging inside the room, like hungry dogs, which scared the living shit out of me, since I didn't expect for them to arrive this fast.

Y/n: ayo, why y'all acting like you're starving?? We kept eating all day, we even got some huge boba tea at the end of the day before getting home!

Nagito: why you judging, you're the same!

Y/n: ...touché. Anyways, dit down, I'll get your plates ready!

Everyone sat down and I got the plates ready, like I said, and I handed them their plates. By the look on their faces, you could tell they never tried this food, like, ever in their lifes.

Embry: Y/n? What is that? I never tried it before.

Y/n: Hehe, i know none of you ever tried it, that's why I did some, so you could try it! It's Kimchi fried rice with some eggs! It's really good, trust me.

Everyone tried and somehow seemed to like it! Lord have mercy, thank god, I was scared they wouldn't wanna try it cuz they don't know what it is!

I was happy to see them smile and eat the food! But then I noticed Embers looked uncomfortable again, I was confused, today, they kept looking uncomfortable and...scared.

Y/n: Embers, are you okay..?

Embers: ...

Y/n: Embers?

Embers: h-huh? Oh uhhh, y-yea I'm okay... I'm just gonna go get some fresh air, I'll be back in a minute.

Y/n:...okay then.

We all watched as Embers slowly got up and went to the door, all worried about their state.

Nagito: I Hope they're okay.

Embry: i hope so too, they are never like this.

We brushed it off as just them having a blue Monday or something. We knew they'd come back as soon as they got some fresh air, they need it. And so we all got ready to sleep, after brushing ourr teeth and taking showers, for the ones who take one at night.

Hello everyone! Yep I updated this book! It's kinda short, I know, and I'm truly sorry about it, but my motivation is running extremely low rn, so yeah! I'm really trying my best to get the motivation to write but it's difficult! But like I said I'll try! Anyways I hope everyone is having a good day/night, and that you are feeling okay! Welp, have a good day/night, stay safe, don't forget to stay hydrated! Don't forget to eat but not too much, ofc! And yeah, love y'all, my wonderful readers <33! AUTHOR~CHAN OUT!!

770 words, that's quite good already hehe!

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