THE question

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Date: March 17th, 2023

Tommy and Y/N got back into the room slapping each other


Tommy: owy what the fuck y/n

Y/n: oh stop being a big baby bitch

Ranboo: guyssss stop hitting each other and let's get this over with im gonna do Niki so NIKI TRUTH OR DARE

Niki: uhmm truth

Ranboo: when was the last time you pissed the bed?

Niki: uhm... like a few years ago

She whined a bit from embarrassment

Ranboo: *gasp* Niki oh my god

Niki: I know ran boo

Niki: Ok uhm Wilbur truth or dare

Wilbur: Dare

Niki: I dare you to ask the prettiest girl you know out on a date

Wilbur: Oh my god niki ok can i do it later though i swear i'll do it i promise just obviously not right now

Niki: ok sure but you HAVE to tell me when you do it

Wilbur: okayyyy

Wilbur didn't want to do it right then and there because he was infront of thousands of people and he only just met her

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