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We had just got to Walmart when I noticed someone was there. Tommy and Molly. What were they here for? I spotted them out to Wilbur and ran over to them. Wilburs loud ass feet made us pretty easy to spot and Tommy ran over to me.

"OH MY GOD Y/N HI I MISSED YOU!!! Oh wait I don't think you've met Molly. Molly this is my sister, Y/N, Y/N this is Molly, my girlfriend." He said. He talked really fast.

Molly spoke pretty quiet and high-pitched but I mean meeting your boyfriends big sister is a bit weird. "hI" she said. She was super pretty. She had her hair in these cute, French braid pig tails. I loved them. I wish I could do my hair like that.

"And you've already met Will so you guys don't need an introduction." Tommy said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Well what are you guys here for? And isn't a bit late for you two?" Wilbur said.

Tommy spoke in his annoying voice like always. "It's not too late for us Wilbur and we're here to by Christmas gifts for some friends."

I said in a quieter voice "What friends?" "Oh shut up. Your only friends are my friends." Tommy said back.

I saw him glance at my neck at the end of his sentence. "What the fuck is that?" He said, pointing at my hickeys. Fuck I forgot to put my hoodie on. "Oh nothing." I said to cover it up. I didn't want my little brother knowing that his best friend gave me a hickey, even if his best friend is my boyfriend. It's like telling you parents you had sex. It's weird.

Wilbur gave me a look. We had this thing where we could tell what we were saying with our eyes. "Embarrassed at my artwork?" I read. I gave him a side eye back.

"Ohhhh... OH EW" I heard Tommy say. He finally got it. He's so childish sometimes. It's pretty funny.

"Who are you guys getting presents for?" I said. Tommy responded, "Mollys parents, Phil, Kristen, and Dad." Of course he wouldn't say us, or he already got our presents. I didn't wanna be rude about it though.

"Also uhm shouldn't you get going back to George's house? I saw him go live and they're waiting for you." Tommy said. Wilbur responded "Oh yea we should buy the gifts and leave I don't wanna keep them waiting."

I hugged Tommy and left.

I turned to Wilbur "Molly was really quiet wasn't she?" He nodded and said "Yea she is pretty quiet. Also the way Tommy talks about you might have scared her a bit I'm not sure." The way he talks about me? What did that mean? Did he say something bad?"

"What did he say?" I said. You could probably see the guilt in my eyes. I mean I do bully him as a joke but, does he take it seriously? Did I hurt him?

"Well he's just said that your really mean like a lot. As a joke of course. But he did make it sound pretty real. Also just meeting your boyfriends older sister is kinda scary" He said.

I was so worried. I've hurt him. I hurt my only brother. How the fuck do I hurting everyone? Tommy is the only relative that doesn't hurt me. Our dad is basically none existent. Hes never home for work or he's out fucking his coworker, Jane. And you know about my mom.

I started tearing up. I remember exactly what isle we were in. We were in the Lego isle, specifically by the Minecraft ones. We went there to buy some legos for Dream and George.

Wilbur saw I was crying. My eyes were red, water filled up my tears like a water fall. But the water couldn't come out, like it was held by a dam. "Y/N? Are you okay?" That's when I broke. The words "are you okay?" hit me hard. I fell right into Wilburs arms, almost falling down to the ground.

I don't remember much after that. Just me repeatedly saying "I hurt him, I hurt him, I hurt him" over and over again in between sniffles and sobs. I don't know why I was so emotional.

Wilbur let go of me a bit and held my shoulders. "I'll tell Dream that we're not gonna make it. Something happened." He said. He said it so calming and caring-ly.

Tall giant 🤍
Hey guys so we're not
gonna be able to make
it to ur house for the
stream. I think we'll just
stay home for tonight.
We will come back
tomorrow tho. Tell the
stream we love them. ❤️

Ok we will! Sweet dreams
you guys!

And no funny business you
little monkeys. I'm talkin
to you wilbur. Ur gonna
kill Y/N if you give her
any more hickeys!

Tall giant 🤍
How did u guys see?! Don't
tell anyone else. Tommy
already knows. Which is
bad enough.

I don't think Tommy is
the only one who knows.
During the stream when
you guys walked in i was
on twitter and ppl were
already talking about it.

Shit. People already know. I mean it's fine, we've been dating for almost a year but still. I felt like I just fucked every thing up. Why did Wilbur still like me even? I've made his life hell ever since we met. How is he not mad? I cried even harder at the thought of this.

"Oh baby baby let's go home okay? I love you. Hey look at me. Please." Wilbur said. I looked up at him and he was crying to. "Babe...we're crying at a Walmart at 2am." I chuckled after looking up and around.

Wilbur laughed too "Okay we'll leave and once we get home we can make hot chocolate and snuggle up on the couch. How does that sound?" I nodded yes and we left. We decided to get some crisps anyways.

(Srry guys for not uploading. A lot has been happening. With school, friends, and recently breaking up with my bf, things have been difficult. I love you guys sm tho. But my poly and gets feelings quick ass already is talking to a guy 🤭😍. His name is Conner, he lives only like 25 minutes away from me, I met him on snap, and he calls me pretty all the time. We're kinda dating/talking idrk. But yea love y'all kisses mwah!)

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