Chapter 3

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Hoseok watched Namjoon who was still crouched before the patient, watching her carefully. The doctor was unmoving but obviously ready to leap into action if the female had tried to attack him. Hoseok didn't think she would do anything, not with the way she was looking at Namjoon. He suspected that Namjoon was feeling the same. There was such an intensity in her stare it was almost as if she was trying to get the doctor to reach her thoughts. There was something in the words that she kept repeating - an explanation or a code that none of them couldn't understand.

Hoseok knew the words meant something to her. It wasn't nonsense, each word was a key factor in her message. While Dr. Wang seemed to be frustrated by the patient, Dr. Namjoon seemed more curious and determined to solve the riddle of her words.

"Three. Six. Hide. Escape. Right Three. Si-"

Jimin, who was still standing in the doorway, had shifted his weight from one foot to the other and instantly her eyes shot to him. The words died in her mouth. Having her eyes locked on him caused Jimin to freeze as well. The two stared at each other but after a moment passed, she turned her attention back to Namjoon and continued her chant.

"Three. Six. Hide. Escape. Right. It was to the right." The sudden change in her chant caused them to all hold their breath, waiting for what she would say next. "It didn't come from the left, it came from the right. I remember. They said I was wrong!" She left out a whimper with her words giving Namjoon a pleading look. "They want me to think I'm crazy but I'm not - not crazy. I counted the numbers, I hid, I went to escape but then it came from the right - I know it did."

Namjoon nodded at her reassuringly. "Okay darlin', it was from the right." He said softly to her.

The female omega seemed pleased with his response. She nodded back and directed her gaze to the floor. It was clear these details were important to her. She was holding on to them tightly, as if her sanity depended on it.

Hoseok wondered if she even knew what she was talking about. The female didn't seem to have the best grasp of reality at the current moment. Hoseok wasn't sure how Namjoon was able to deal with things like this - he supposed there was a reason Joon was the doctor.

The doctor slowly inched closer to the female as she appeared to be calm now. He telegraphed his movements plainly. "Now that you are awake, I would like to examine your wounds, if you would allow me to take a look..."

As Joon moved closer, Jimin could hear her breathing becoming more rapid. She looked like a frightened, caged animal. Namjoon seemed to brace himself to react accordingly if she were to lunge at him. Jimin could see Hoseok also straighten up, ready to help Joon hold the female down if needed. The smaller alpha wondered what was going through Hoseok's head. He wondered if the alpha was regretting his choice to bring the omega here.

"One eight seven. One eight seven. One eight seven."

They all groaned at her new collection of numbers, wondering how long it would take this time before she snapped out of it.

Dr. Wang rolled his eyes. "I told you she was crazy." He slid off the bed, and motioned for Jinyoung and Bambam to follow him. "I'll be in my quarters. Let me know if anyone sane needs treatment."

Hoseok and Jimin frowned at the retreating doctor's back. Namjoon stood from his position on the floor and walked away from the girl to join the two of them at the door.

"Hoseok, did you want to try to talk to her?" Namjoon asked. "I'm not sure where to go from here. Maybe talking with her will help, you were the one who found her. Then again, maybe it won't. All I do know is that the way she is right now is not normal. There is something wrong in her head."

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