Chapter 4

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Jin placed the last plate on the table before calling everyone to come eat. The pack was quick, most waiting outside of the kitchen out of sheer hunger. Joon was still at the clinic taking care of the omega. The Beta was a little annoyed - he wanted his Alpha to come home and eat a delicious meal. The beta knew he’d have to go drop it off later. He was pleased that at least Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung were home in time for the meal.

The table was filled with life as Jin made sure everyone was filling their plates. He watched Jungkook chewing his chicken with a smile on his face. The youngest omega was giggling as he eavesdropped into the conversation that Taehyung and Jimin were having. When there was a small break in their conversation, Jungkook jumped in - enthusiastically telling a story about his day. While Taehyung and Jimin were listening, Jin could tell Jimin wasn’t completely there, his eyes would wander to the side as if a thought came to him and he couldn’t ignore it. The alpha did manage to nod his head at all the right parts and laugh when prompted to do so. 

Jin couldn’t help but feel nosy. He wanted to know more about the female omega that seemed to rustle things up with his pack members. Jungkook had cried to him about the terrible state the female was in, Hoseok was on edge ever since he went out with Taehyung, even Tae doesn’t seem as relaxed. Namjoon wasn’t even home with them. Jimin was getting distracted and Yoongi seemed displeased about the whole situation. Jin had made up his mind - he was going to the clinic after dinner no matter what.

“Hoseok, did you find anything on your adventure with Taehyung?” Yoongi spoke suddenly, his eyes sharp on the other alpha. 

The table grew quiet, everyone stopped moving their forks to their mouths and looked at the normally happy alpha. “I didn’t get to speak with Namjoon yet. However, it’s been asked. We found nothing but there was a moment where I felt like there was a heavy presence of death. I left Taehyung behind and sought out what it was. I was expecting terrible things, masses of dead bodies - but there was nothing and suddenly, it stopped.”

A chill ran over the table. None of them felt very comfortable with that. “I don’t know what it could have been but the feeling vanished so quickly.” Hoseok didn’t mean for the mood to go sour so he turned his attention to his fellow alpha. “Jimin, how was the female before you left?”

Jimin frowned more and stared at his plate. “It was going well, but then she got lost in her head again. Jinyoung was there. I was getting her to eat the bread Namjoon told me to get her when she got very defensive as Jinyoung told her she should slow down with her eating. She panicked and ate it quicker and ended up getting sick.  I think from her anxiety and not the actual food. She stared at us like we weren’t the ones standing in front of her anymore - like we were monsters coming to hurt her.”

“I wonder what triggered that. I assume this means we truly believe that she was abused in her previous home.” Yoongi spoke. 

“I think so. She was so terrified.” Jimin thought back to how he held her down so Jinyoung could sedate her, the tears that poured from her face and her scent turned sour and heavy - it still lingered in his head.

Jin sighed. “Do we know anything of actual value from this girl?”

Jimin felt defensive of her. “Well, she’s not exactly in the right state of mind to ask much. She’s mentally, physically and emotionally traumatized. I have never seen a ‘stray’ come in with the amount of damage as her.” He huffed, causing the Beta to bite his lip.

“I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. Do you think Namjoon will be home soon?” Jin asked. 

“Honestly, I’m not sure. He is a great doctor but sometimes commits too much to his patients. I feel he won’t be home for a few days at least.” Hoseok stated. 

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