Chapter 5

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The remainder of the week stayed about the same. The female omega had bouts of sanity in which she still talked in slight riddles, like she knew what she wanted to say but had a hard time recalling exact details. Then there were other times where she repeated her chants of numbers or she would mumble phrases that Namjoon came to realize where things they, his pack, had said to her. Some things that apparently stuck with her and she threw them into her loop. 

There was a notepad found under her pillow when the sheets were being changed. It was one of his and she also wrote these messages down. He let her keep the booklet, he didn't see any harm in it. Maybe one day it would help her sort her thoughts out in a way he could completely understand. Namjoon also figured out that she would quote books if it felt appropriate during whatever scenario was happening and so he found two books from home and left them in his office. 

His office. Where he wasn't, not completely by choice. Jin wanted him home. Needed him to be as he missed most of the week with them all. While he enjoyed being with his pack and getting an overflowing amount of attention, he still felt anxious about not being in the clinic. The doctor let out a great sigh while he looked at his phone again, still waiting for Dr. Wang to let him know how the omega was doing. 

Meanwhile at the clinic, Dr. Wang was reluctant to help with the case considering the female had attacked him upon waking last time. However, Jinyoung had talked to his Alpha and explained how Dr. Kim had been at the medical unit for several days without going home. Being an alpha himself, Dr. Wang knew how being away from the pack can affect everyone's mental and physical health. 

Dr. Wang looked down at the message on his phone, he had read it several times and was purposely ignoring the text from Dr. Kim. His colleague needed to separate work and home and just pay attention to his pack. The last thing the clinic needed was for Namjoon to get burned out because he didn’t know when to stop and take care of his own needs. Jackson looked over to the omega studying her with his ever watchful eyes. If he had to be honest, besides her unstable mind she would be fit to leave the clinic. Her injuries were healing and she started to put on a very small amount of weight - but the trending upward numbers were better than a downward spiral. Maybe he could start mentioning mental health clinics so they could get her out of there. 

Jackson called her name, watching her head snap up away from the book she was reading. He knew she was wary around him, knowing that he wasn’t very fond of her. He praised her for having the common sense to put that together. He actually had not talked to her until the morning after her attack on him, she had given a soft, teary apology. He did appreciate that but also informed her that he wasn’t trusting of her and to try to stay away from him. 

He stared her in the eyes for a few seconds, the day so far had been good - she wasn’t chanting or rocking her entire body. In fact she had been so still and quiet he had almost forgotten she was there. Since she was having a good mental day, then maybe he could find out more of her background and what exactly happened to her. "Come chat for a few minutes." He instructed her. 

The omega blinked at him twice before she registered his request. She moved quickly, doing much better on her feet now that she was properly being taken care of. She came to a short stop right in front of him. "Yes, Dr. Wang?" Her voice was soft and sweet, if he didn’t know any better he would have dropped his guard and had her sit on his knee. A small, alphaless omega who needed to be protected - but she wasn’t. She could have an entire pack looking for her. It was logical that they helped her get better faster so she could return home. 

"I want you to try and think for me. I know Dr. Kim has tried to get you to remember stuff without much success but I think today is a good day to try again."

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