Chapter 6

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Namjoon looked over to the Omega, she was nibbling on some crackers with her nose in a book. He had yet to tell her that she would be going home with him at the end of shift. He had a comfortable outfit from the clothes that Yoongi had picked out for her, along with a list of rules for their house. She would need to read it over before they would head out. The doctor pulled the sheet of paper out and read over it again. Honestly it was more like a contract that Yoongi wrote up with the pack except the Omega did not have to sign it. 

The following Rules and Regulations will be followed and adhered by at all times. To go against any of these rules could lead to certain consequences such as removal from the house. 

- The agreed party will continue to maintain and seek medical help with Namjoon.

- The agreed party will listen to all the alphas of the house.

- The agreed party will help with chores around the house.

- The agreed party will not leave the house without telling any pack members. 

- The agreed party will not harm any pack members. 

It wasn’t anything too terrible. If she was to stay with them then her household chores were to be easy, help in the kitchen, tidy her room and handle her own laundry. Namjoon was pretty sure the Omega was going to agree to come with him, but he was still a little anxious. 

At home he knew the pack was preparing for her to arrive. Knowing Jin, he was probably bossing everyone around to make the house presentable, even though it always is. Yoongi said he would make dinner tonight for her first night home -  the alpha planned on making Doenjang Jjigae with hopes that the comforting stew would help her feel comfortable and welcome into the home. 

Yoongi stated he would try his best to be nice to the Omega, even if he didn’t have the best feelings about her situation. It wasn’t her fault that she went through whatever it is that she experienced. 

Namjoon looked at the clock, it was almost time to head out. He sighed and walked over to her while he pulled a chair to the side of her bed. “How are you feeling right now?” He asked. 

She turned her attention to him, closing the book after chanting the page number in her head several times before she answered him. “I’m feeling good. How about you? I must admit you don’t seem like yourself today.”

 The doctor gave a small chuckle before he sighed. “I’m good, but I’m also nervous.”

She frowned at his words and placed the book down on the small table next to her bed before turning her body to face him completely. “Nervous?” She questioned as she reached her hands forward and cradled his face in her palms, her fingers running gently on his skin, looking for the answer to why he was so stressed.

“Well I need and want to talk to you about something. I think you’ll react positively about it, but there is also a chance that you won’t and I would feel bad making you spiral in your own thoughts again.” He took her hands from his face and held them in his as he spoke. 

The omega paused, as her mind started to race a little bit. The last time the doctor brought up a topic that upset her was when he was talking about a mental health facility. Could that be what this was all about? He did say he thought she might react positively, so maybe not. She wouldn’t know until she asked. “What is it?” She asked with a shaky breath.

"My pack and I were talking… you need to get out of the hospital, leaving the clinic will help benefit your healing and so we wanted to invite you to stay in our home while you recover. There would be some ground rules if you agree. Would that be okay with you?" The doctor asked. 

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