One: your ghost

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Being in the studio trying to record your new album when you have two three year olds running around like lunatics is not very easy. Having no help from no one beside my cousin mora with the twins was hard I had them when I was 19 after a short fling with the almighty papa het, James Hatfield. We were together for about 8 months before deciding that he was going to try and work things out with his ex wife for his kids. Little did we both know I was about 6 weeks pregnant when he left I had not signs I was pregnant I was still having my usual period until one night It felt like something was clawing inside my stomach so I went to the hospital and surprise surprise I was knocked up by a 56 year old heavy metal singer.

"Alright Rory take it from " I wanna shove the wicked words you told me down your fucking throat" and put a little more aggression behind it" tia our music producer spoke through the mic.
I nodded and took a deep breath before letting all my emotions out into that part

"I wanna shove the wicked words you told me down your fucking throat and let it sink in I kill off what's left of you"

About 30 minutes of fixing certain parts of the song we were finish for the day. Walkig out of the recording booth both of the twin had Jax the bands guitarist pinned to the floor by sitting on his stomach they were putting hit hair in a dozen of tiny pony tails while niko our drummer was giggling like a mad man while mora was no where to be seen, she most likely was taking a smoke brake.

"Alright girls leave uncle jax alone" I laughed pulling the girls off him by there hands and waving by to the guys befor grabbing Cyrus's and sage's bags that was filled with multiple toys and spare clothes because let's be honest these girl are as wild as their father and getting messy is nothing these girls are afraid of.

After getting the girls in their car seats and bucking them in I got Into the drivers seat and started my car a 2009 hummer that I've had since high school.

Half ways home Cyrus wanted to listen to her playlist on Apple Music which she created with the help of me.

"Mama put talllica on please please please"
"Yeah mommy put them on, put whiskey on!"
"No sage! I want under ice"
"No no no! Whiskey!"

My head was ringing from the yelling and from the reminder of their father who chose to not to be in there life not wanting his other children and his ex wife or should I say the work in progress wife to know about the little fling he had with me.

"Girls stop yelling! We will take turns but first mommy want to listen to a song okay?" I sternly but gently spoke to my baby's.

Sage rolled her eyes and Cyrus huffed and mumbled a "fine"

Turning on 'you outta know' the ride was silent until I put the girls song choices on and they were singing along to their fathers voice.

Finally pulling up to my small two bedroom apartment I parked my car and got the girls out and we went inside.

Around 8 dinner was ate and after the girls were bathed and put into bed I turned on their favorite show " the grim adventures of billy and Mandy" and gave them each a kiss goodnight and went and bathed my self and got my self into bed.

After laying their for a good 20 mintues scrolling through instagram I came past a post that Kirk had shared, yes that guys knew about me and were fond of me but me and Kirk were the closest he was like the dad that I never really had and he's the only in Metallica that know about the twins (besides James of course) he was there for the birth of them and he's the man I call my father even if he biologically isn't and has been there for me and the kids ever since I could remember but it hard to see him when he lives in Hawaii I live in Georgia.

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