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Episode 1: The Arrival of a Threat

Two people sat in the car as it drove to their temporary home, their father was working overseas so he had them stay with some 'relatives.

Yui looked out the window as she rolled it down, the wind blowing through her hair. Her brother sat at the other end, his eyes were closed and get some rest before they got there. Yui looked over and wanted to make conversation, but before she could even make a noise her brother cut her off.

"Not a word Yui." Y/n said as his eyes were still closed. The girl looked down embarrassed and looked back out the window.

About ten minutes later, they have arrived. Getting their belongings from the trunk, and walking up to the main gates of the mansion.

Y/n pushed the gates open without care and walked up the doors, Yui followed behind as she took in the scenery. "Hurry your flatass up!" He yelled from where he stood. Yui then ran up to his side.

He went to grab the door handle but the door opened on its own. Y/n shrugged and went inside. "Wait!" Yui said as she hurried in after him. "We should've at least knocked first." She spoke softly as she took in the interior.

The inside definitely looked expensive, and it looked like it was from the Victorian era. They looked around until they spotted a redhead sleeping on the couch.

The male knew better than run up to a stranger, but his younger sister certainly didn't.

"Your cold!" Y/n rolled his eyes at her statement. Yui then leaned down and tried to listen for a heartbeat but the pulled out her phone to dial 9-1-1. But the phone was snatched from her hand before she could.

"Jeez. Don't you know how to be quiet? This is isn't even your house." The redhead finally woke up and looked annoyed.

"What?" Yui said before she was dragged to be under the other male. "What are you-"

"Oh please keep making those noises." Yui looked towards her brother for help, but his face was emotionless. "You got yourself into this with your stupidity, like you always do." Was the only thing that Y/n said before just leaning on the wall.

"Vampire." His eyes opened as he heard the voice inside his head. He looked towards where his sister was, letting out a heavy sigh before walking over and pulling her away.

"Thanks.." Yui said while looking down. "This will be the only time. Save yourself next time."

Another presence then came into the room. "Who are you two?"

"We were sent to live here by our father, we don't know why we were sent here but whatever." Y/n explained.

"I see. We shouldn't talk here. Follow me."

- in the living room-

Y/n and Yui sat on opposite sides of the couch, while Yui was sitting tense.

Y/n pretty much blocked out all conversation from his hearing until he heard a giggle come into the room. He saw someone with red hair and a fedora. "Well well. Who are these two little humans come to stay with us."

The human turned his head away until he saw the man was already right next to him in a instant. "Vampire." The voice said again. "I know." He said back.

His Disciple ; Diabolik Lovers x Mandela CatalogueWhere stories live. Discover now