𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

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Chapter 3: Dinner of blood

Y/n quickly got to his feet and walked away from Shu, he was stunned and didn't want to think how he got there in the first place. The last thing he saw before it went dark in his vision was Shu carrying him from the empty classroom that he had found.

He went to his room and decided to take some time and wash up from the night at school. Splashing the cold water onto his skin he felt refreshed finally, that school was too warm and the air was moist for some reason. He hated it.

After washing up he went to lie down on his bed, hoping to rest for a while before they had to go down for dinner.

An hour or so later, Yui came in and called him for dinner. He groaned before getting up and moving his feet down the stairs.

He sat down at his seat around the table, looking at his portion of food he rolled his eyes before picking up his fork and eating. The food to him tasted liked nothing, bland with no flavoring. 'Don't they know how to season the food at least?' Y/n thought as he forced another piece down.

He was so glad he packed his own portion of rations as snacks, he knew whatever food the brothers served him won't have any taste to him. Maybe before it could have taste, but now with the false Gabriel possessing his mind his entire body his practically changed to his new master's desire.

And boy did he love it.

Yui on the other hand didn't even eat.

"Does she seriously want to starve?" Y/n mumbled under his breath.

Reiji soon concluded the dinner and everyone left except for Yui, the human didn't say or even glance at anyone when he left.

Retreating to his room and grabbing some clean clothes from his suitcase, stepping into his bathroom he begun to undress. But stopped as he heard movement in the water, snapping his neck to the direction of the tub and was not impressed when he saw who it was.

"Are you serious right now Shu? When I'm about bathe?" He snapped, he wanted to relax and communicate with his master. But the oldest son had other plans.

Shu didn't respond and just continued to lie in the tub, and not to mention he was still fully clothed along with his headphones in. "....stop being loud."

Y/n raised an eyebrow at his response and became nothing but even more annoyed than he already was. "You have your own tub! Don't steal mine."

Shu opened his eyes and turned to see Y/n with his shirt off and left in his pants, he smirked and eye Y/n up and down. This action didn't go unnoticed by the human, he clicked his tongue before walking right next to the tub.

"Are you going to get out or do I have to drag you out myself? And stop eyeing you pervert." Y/n proclaimed as he sat on the edge of the bathtub.

"Maybe I can shut you up another way." Was the only thing the blonde said before he begin to move.

"What do you me- HEY!" Y/n yelled as felt Shu's arms around his waist and pulled him into the water. "Asshole."

The male opened his eyes and saw the position he was in, it took a couple of seconds before he realized how it looked like. He had fallen on top of the blonde and it looked he was straddling him. Y/n's face became flustered but he kept his head held high.

"You are such a asshole." He said before he felt his head being yanked by his hair, exposing his neck fully to the vampire before him.

Shu leaned in closer to his skin and brushed his lips against it, earning a shiver from Y/n. "Your skin is unnaturally pale, I bet when I bite you the red would come gushing out." Y/n then felt his fangs sink into his neck, but just like before there was no pain for him.

"You...ass.." He managed to get out before using enough strength to push himself away from the blonde. "So how was it? No taste?" He asked, and from Shu's expression he was right. His blood had no taste and just like water to them.

"Get out of my tub Shu, before I actually drag you out." Shu sighed heavily before teleporting away. Y/n seeing that he was finally gone, dove under the water and lied down at the bottom of the tub. Closing his eyes as he held his breath.


A couple seconds of silence goes by and a static noise he hears in his mind.

'YeS mY chiLD?' Gabriel finally responded.

'I want to hunt. The packs don't satisfy me anymore.'

'If you can find any humans to hunt then they are all yours. And you can't kill your sister, how sad.' Gabriel replied, the static in his voice faded away.

'That bitch gets on my nerves, I'll kill her when father no longer needs her.'

'I will except no less from you. I also suggest you check your back my child.' With that Gabriel was gone again.

Y/n opened his eyes under the water and shot up to the surface. Taking in a deep breath to regain control over his breathing, "Check my back?" He mumbled to himself.

Going up to the mirror, he turned around and saw the skin on the inside of his shoulder blades looked red, irritated and roughed up. They were in position like to vertical slits, he kind of already guessed what it was.

"Master has given me a gift." He whispered to himself, smiling at the thought of Gabriel giving him such a divine gift. "And my pants are wet, guess I'll take another bath. With warm water this time."


Stepping out of the bathroom this time with fresh clothes and wet hair still dripping with water, he set his old clothes down on his bed before drying his hair.

As he used the towel that hung around his neck to dry, he walked over to his suitcase and took out two packs of blood. Sticking a straw in one before putting in his mouth, intaking the sweet liquid.

To normal humans it may taste metallic, but to someone like him who had his body permanently altered by the new god of this world, it was anything but metallic.

He went to sit on his bed, pulling out his phone while the blood bag was in his other hand. Scrolling randomly on social media looking for anything that would interest him.

It didn't take long before the current blood bag was empty and he had to get the other one, groaning and standing up and walking to the other one was. Taking out the metal straw and put it in the other pack.

Sipping on the other one as he went back to where he was on the bed, going back to mindless scrolling until he was tired enough to sleep. Soon the other bag was also empty, he threw both of them away and went under the covers. Turning off his light but still on his phone.

He did eventually put his phone on a charger and fall asleep. His dreams were him with his master again, but this time in the paradise that was heaven. But it the false god was with him, Y/n held the red apple in his hands and took a bite.

That alone gave him a feeling of ecstasy.

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