𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4

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Chapter 4: Not all Holy

Another night, another night of classes at the night school, the night passed quite quickly as the classes passed with flying colors. The night soon came to an end, Y/n followed his sister down the stairs as he found her wandering after classes ended, as they approached the end of stairway an old telephone was at the end.

His sister being the dumb bitch she is decided to try and use it, even though to anyone else it's very obvious that it was broken. She took the phone off the main machine and put it up to her ear, when she turned around she saw Kanato standing there.

Y/n followed her gaze and saw the boy as well. He held no emotion as he had a feeling one of the brothers would find them, and in this case it was the creepy one. Great.

"Kanato? What do you want?" He spoke up for both of them.

"Me and teddy are thirsty. That's all." His voice was small, soft spoken even. His words made Y/n raise an eyebrow.

Yui being the dumb girl that she is went to get him some coffee she said, the older knew better than her though.

"What do you want Kanato?" He asked annoyed, swing the bag over his shoulder as he leaned against the wall that was behind him.

"Me and Teddy are thirsty. That's all." The vampire buried his face into the stuffed animal, his words were lies that were coated with ten layers of sugar. Anyone with common sense could see what he meant, Y/n knew if he gave Kanato even an ich he would run a mile with it.

Kanato took her bag and was about to walk off, Y/n stopped him. "And where are you going with that?" In truth, he actually did not care what he did with Yui's bag, he could burn it in a fire and he would not bat an eye.

"I'm taking it to the roof, she needs to be punished.." Was all he said before taking a few steps and teleporting away, only for him to come back down a minute later. The purple haired boy looked at Y/n with a curious look. "Do you not care what I do with her stuff?"

"Why would I? She is already a pain in my ass to look after, putting her in her place would perhaps knock some sense into her thick skull after all." He spoke, his voice was quiet as he knew the vampire could hear him just fine. He saw his 'sister' come back to them with a cup of coffee in her hands, she went to hand to Kanato but he just slapped it out of her hands.

"I only like sweet things! I hate bitter things like coffee! Why can't you see that!" He yelled at her while she just hang her head downwards.

Y/n tuned out their conversation as he just really did not care, he was hungry and thirsty. Not to mention his back has begun to ache, the skin there felt dry and more irritated then before. His school shirt that rubbed against his back throughout the day made it worse, every time it rubbed against the skin it would send discomfort down his body. He came back to reality as he saw Kanato finally walk away and as Yui asked where her bag was.

"It's on the roof Yui." His 'sister' sent him a confused look.

"I did it to punish you." Kanato answered for him. "Teddy, that telephone has been broken for 2 weeks now hasn't it. Everyone knows it." He then left the corridor.

Yui sent Y/n him a look as if asking him to go along with her to get her back from the roof.

He rolled his eyes before scoffing. "Fine. Let's go." Yui flinched at his tone as she moved quickly up the stairs, not wanting to piss off him even more.


Getting her bag as Y/n just stood there without any thoughts. He just wanted out of here. But then they heard another voice talking, Y/n did not care and just closed his eyes. Yui on the other hand and stared for a little too long.

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