𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5

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Chapter 5: Secrets, Secrets

The graveyard was not where he wanted to end up, but there was not much to do anyway. At least it was quiet enough where Y/n could speak to his master aloud without anyone to hear him, as they would see him talk to thin air.

'So you then overthrew the actual god? Like, your father?'

'The one you mortals think is my father. I do not consider him as such.' Gabriel's static was threatening to make itself known at the last part of his sentence.

'Sorry master, I will not say that again. But still, he is still your 'creator' in a way right?'

'Sadly yes. If I could erase that part of myself, I WoUlD.' The last part was semi-yelled, that meant he was getting angry.

The conversation was cut short as Y/n heard someone coming his way, turning his head around to see the purple-haired vampire and his dumb sister. "Ugh, and here I thought I was going to get some peace and quiet for once around here."

Kanato and Yui approached him, he stood his ground and refuse to let the vampire's gaze scare him.

"Kanato. What a great surprise. You visit this graveyard often?" Y/n tilted his head as an innocent looking smile torn itself upon his lips. He hated playing such a facade, but it was needed to keep himself alive; even though he was known as the threat.

"Why are you here human?! Know your place!" Kanato yelled, showing no restraint as he was willing to insult Y/n straight up. Yui was startled from behind him, clutching the flowers as she showed the obvious fear in her eyes.

"Oh? This is a public space no? Who says I can and cannot come here?" Walking a circle around the other two, Y/n showed no fear but rather amusement for how the vampire threw a tantrum.

Letting out a small chuckle as he decided this was not worth the energy to argue over, these guys would have hells to pay later. Turning on his heels as he begin his retreat back to the mansion to find some other entertainment. In the distance he could hear the vampire speaking with Yui about something, then throwing a tantrum all over again.

Screams from the girl then came from behind him, Y/n laughed to himself at the unfortunate fate of his 'sister'. She really was a lost cause. Y/n was having a great time around this place, maybe this was meant to turn into something way more interesting.


Nightfall soon came and the moon was over the lands.

Sitting on top of the roof as he looked down at the garden, the moonlight casting an almost halo effect over his head. The garden was quiet as the silence was much appreciated, though he did hear a little something before a strong wind picked up.

Y/n looked down and saw Richter, staring up at him. The male could only smirk as Subaru came in and told his uncle to piss off. Richter looked up at Y/n one last time, and this time his eyes narrowed before he disappeared.

"It seems like the uncle knows something about me."

'He will never know for share, my lamb. He would die before he knows.' Gabriel replies, confidence laced within his tone.

"I hope so. He could rot in the hells for all I care. And that women to, once she is defeated again of course." A scowl takes place where once his smirk was, talking about this has him all bitter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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