𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2

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Chapter 2: An angel that worships a false god.

Y/n woke up and this time someone was knocking on his door.  He opened the door and saw Reiji standing right in front of him, in the vampire's hands was a set of male uniform.

"Night school?" Y/n asked with unamused tone, like he already knew this was going to happen. "Seems like you really are smarter than that woman, get dressed and come downstairs. I don't tolerate lates." Closing the door and walking down the hall.

Y/n just shrugged and changed into the clothes that he was given. "I don't like uniforms but this one can pass."

"Seriously?"  Asked Gabriel inside his head. "I know but it's whatever. It's better than the stuff from church alright."

Walking out of his room and walking down the stairs to where the rest of the brothers are. Seeing that stupid sister of his hasn't come down yet. "Yui is always late. Typical." He muttered to himself.

They waited for a couple of minutes before Yui finally arrived. Then they all went inside to the limo. The ride was silent, no noise as all the brothers were left to their own devices.

Y/n sat next to Shu as he leaned on his shoulder. The blonde didn't mind and just let him, at least he wasn't noise and disturbed the silence that he so enjoyed.  It was silent until Reiji decided to throw them both a box of cranberry juice. "It helps with your blood flow." He said, though Y/n already knew that.

Yui thou being the clueless idiot that she is didn't know and thanked him, which turned into him saying that they were nothing but prey to them. This made Y/n laugh inside. Prey? To them? He didn't think so.

"They really don't know what you have already become my dear. Once you show them what you truly are they will be the ones being hunted." Said Gabriel again, following that sentence was some static noise and a robotic and hushed laugh.

"Of course they are that dumb. They still think that the fact that we humans believe in god is a joke. That there is no god. But in truth, the true god is more terrifying then they all realize." Y/n replied to his master inside his mind.

The limo soon came to a stop, they had finally arrived at the school. One by one they stepped out of the limo to the screaming outside. The waves of fan girls that flooded the outside of the limo was too many to count ; that was for sure. But when Y/n stepped out the screaming increased, he didn't even know why but brushed it off as he walked inside of the building.

As he walked through the halls he heard whispers about him. Mostly girls and some guys as well, that was surprising.

"Oh my! Did you see the way he walked?! It was so beautiful!"

"I think he looked at me!"

"How can someone look even better then the brothers?!"

"I hope I have a class with him!"

"Should I go talk to him?"

"I wanna hug him so bad!"

"As he related to them?"

"Is he famous?"

"He looks like an angel!"

That last one made him laugh. Angel? He worshipped a false god, and that made him an angel.

"You indeed are my most loyal angel. But in truth, you are indeed far from one. And that's what I love about you my little one." Gabriel said reading his mind.

Soon Reiji came up to him with his schedule to all of his classes. Half of his classes are with the brothers, then other half is by himself. "Whatever." He muttered under his breath before going to find his classroom.

His first class was with Latio, which was honestly the worst. He just continued trying to flirt with him which was just annoying, and also coming up with ways to get a taste of his blood since the first time Y/n had no taste which peaked his curiosity.

"Stop it Latio." He said out annoyed. But the vampire next to him didn't care and continued his actions towards the human male. "Hm? Just let me have a little taste. Then I promise I'll leave you alone for the rest of the night. How does that sound~?" He asked in a seductive tone of voice, thou it didn't have any effect on the other male at all.

After a long silence, Y/n spoke up again. His curiosity was now also peaked. "You promise to leave me alone for the rest of the night?" He asked with a monotone voice, which sounded more like a demand rather than a question.

"Of course. I promise." Latio said as leaned in closer and closer to the boy's neck, fangs around outside of his lips and dragging it lightly over the soft skin. Y/n groaned at the feeling and scoffed at Latio, as if saying that he was unimpressed by the show that the vampire was trying to tempt him.

"Fine then. And also hurry it up." With those words leaving his throat, the red haired male let his fangs sink into his skin. If the so called vampire bite was supposed to be painful, then he definitely didn't feel anything. "Ugh. Is that it? I lent you my blood and it doesn't even hurt, how is that suppose to satisfy me in any way?." Y/n said as the leech on his neck didn't move.

"This is so pointless. And here I though it was going to at least hurt so I can feel something." Y/n said within his mind again.

Gabriel heard this and let out a glitched laugh before speaking. "YoU like the pain that I give just because you AsK fOr it? HoW gRateFul of you my dear."

Y/n didn't even realize that Latio has already pulled away and was staring at him in confusing. "Your blood really has no flavor. This is a first. Oh well I can think of other ways to have fun with you~" Latio cooed out before the bell rang out throughout the school, telling everyone that first block was over. "We didn't even make food." Y/n pouted before standing up and leaving the classroom.

During his next block which was history, he zoned out. Halfway through the class he just stood up, gathered his things and left the room and really nobody really cared.

He walked around for a bit, trying to find a room with a tv. It took a while but he finally found one. The room was...odd. Nothing was in it except for the old tv. Y/n just shrugged, dropping off his bag before turning the knob and finding a channel that was nothing but static. Going to lie down on the floor in one of the corners, closing his eyes and letting the sound and noise of the static do the work.

Focusing his hearing on the static only, he went into a mindless state. Letting his master take over.

"You reAllY do like me TaKing over yOur mind don't you?"


He doesn't know how much has passed, but the next time he opened his eyes the static of the tv was gone and he was in someone's arms.

Eyes half-lidded as he looked up at who was carrying him. Blonde hair and blue eyes was what he saw. His legs dangled over the others arm as he was carried bridal style.

"Shu..?" Was the only he said before the other male told him to be quiet.

And from that he passed out again. He woke up again to be back in the mansion. This time laying on Shu's chest.

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