chapter 1

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I woke up in a dark place with just a little bit of light.. 'Where the hell am I..?' I felt around the space I was in untill I felt what seemed to be a doorknob? Or maybe the thing that lockers have? Whatever it was, I pulled on it, pushed on it, amd when I pulled up on it it opened and I fell straight onto the floor.

"Ouch!.." I said, That would definetly leave a mark on me.

"Ah-.. Are you okay..?" A boy was standing above me, holding his hand out I felt my face get warm, he was so cute.

"I-I'm fine! Someone like me never gets hurt! Anyway, you're cute. What's your name?

"R-really..?" I saw him blush a bit but he covered his face.

"No. That was a lie." I said. Putting my hands behind my head

"O-oh.. Thats not s-something to joke a-about. You could really hurt someones feelings." He put his hand down and looked a bit mad.

"Okay fine. I'm sorry, but seriously what's your name." I put my hands down and put on a straight face. My neck started to hurt a little but that makes sense because I am literarly the same height of his di-

"I-I'm... Shuichi Saihara." Shuichi said. He interupted me in my thoughts but its fine I guess..

"I'm Kokichi Ouma. Your name sounds familiar by the way. That's not a lie." I was telling the trith but I don't think Shuichi belived me.

"Your n-name does sound familiar but now is not the time to b-be worried about that.. We need to find a way to get out of h-here." He started to look around, then pointed to a door on the right hand side of the room.

"Do you think we could use that door to get out of here?" Shuichi put a finger on his chin.

"I dont know. I think it's booby-trapped! Maybe we are stuck here for all of eternity! Oh how horrible that must be! Nihihi!" Putting a finger across my mouth, I smiled.

"Kokichi. It's not booby-trapped. Trust me."

Shuichi walked to the door, gesturing for me to follow him. When he opened the door, a big robot thingymabob came out of nowhere.

"Gah!-" Shuichi screamed

"I told you it was booby-trapped dumbass!"

Shuichi ignored my comment and started running. I followed after him amd after maybe 5 minutes of running, we reached the gym. Out of breath, we opened the door we saw a lot of other people.

"There's 2 more people!"

"Who are they?

"Nyahaha! Atua has sent more people!"

"More people to moan with!"

"No. Just no."

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