chapter 3

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"I-I'm... Shuichi Saihara. They call me the Ultimate Detective.. But I-I don't think I deserve the role that much.." I said.

"Why not? Actually, answer that later. My name is more important." Kokichi put his finger across his mouth and when he was done talking, he put on a sinister-looking smile.


"I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader!" Kokichi smiled, spreading his arms out as he spoke.

"U-Ultimate Supreme Leader..?" I was a bit confused. I dont think it's that easy for a highschooler to lead something..

"Mhm! I own a secret organization with over 10,000 members!"

"1-10,000 members?! But isn't this 'organization' secret?" I said. I was kind of shocked that many people know about this organization.

"Or maybe it doesn't! We will never know." Kokichi scares me. Alot.

"Well u-uh... should we g-go meet more people..?" 'If there are any..'

"Yeah sure whatever."

We went out the door and we went to look for people.

'Rantaro Amami. Ultimate....???'

'Korekiyo Shinguji. Ultimate Antropologist'

'Miu Iruma. Ultimate Inventer'

'Kaede Akamatsu. Ultimate Pianist'

'Kirumi Tojo. Ultimate Maid'

'Gonta Gokuhara. Ultimate Emtomolologist'

'Ryoma Hoshi. Ultimate Tennis Pro'

'K1b0/Kiibo. Ultimate Robot'

'Maki Harukawa. Ultimate Child Caregiver'

'Kaito Momota. Ultimate Astronaunt'

'Angie Yonaga. Ultimate Artist'

'Tenko Chabashira. Ultimate Aikido Master'

'Himiko Yumeno. Ultimate Mage'

'Tsumugi Shirogane. Ultimate Cosplayer'

And... we also met those scary stuffed bears. They call themselves the 'Monokubs'..





And Monodam.

After we met everyone, we were called down to the gym for something. Kokichi and I went together while everyone else went alone. We all gathered in the gym and after a short period of time, something came out of the podium.

"WHATT?! THERE'S MORE?!" Tenko screamed. She put her hands infront of her face in somewhat a defence stance.

"Guys! Calm down. It can't hurt us..." Rantaro sounded uncertian and confident at the same time.

"Hello, Hopes Peak Students!" The strange bear said. It was black and white, unlike the Monokubs.

'I have no coment. Really, no coment.' I thought. I have seen too much today.

"I am Monokuma... also know as this school's headmaster! You ultimates have been selected into this school because you have been deemed 'the best' at what you do. For example, Kaede's Ultimate talent is the Ultimate Pianist, right? She has won all of her contests and her concerts have also been deemed 'immaculate'."

"That does make sense...

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