chapter 2

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There seemed to be at least 14 other kids in that gym. They all had some weird outfit, kind of like Junior high uniforms.

"Do you want me to check on whats happening?" Someone said.

"I'll tell you my name.. My name is.. Rantaro Amami... and I promise, I'm not a bad guy."

The green haired guy steped up front to tell us his name. He was tall.. taller than Saihara-chan. taller than most of the people here actually. But the tallest on here was a big beefy guy who kinda looked like an idiot but when I said I was has tall as Saihara-chan's... thing.. that was a joke. I am literaly the same size has this kid's thing.

When Rantaro finished his introduction, some big machiny-looking things popped out from somewhere and scared the hell out of us



5 bears jumped out of the head of the machine thing or whatever you call them.

"Rise and shine, Ursine!"

"The stuffed animals talk??!"

"No shit. If they came out of those machine things then obviously they talk." I said.

Some random peices of clothing came ouf of their hands..? The background changed to a black and white checkerboard theme. My clothes were changed from a boring school uniform to and exicting outfit with a scarf with a checkerboard theme on it. But after the 'transformation' I passed out. Again.

Shuichi Pov

I woke up in a strange place with just a little bit of light. By the look of the light pattern, it seems to be a locker. I kept pushing on the door until it finally opened and I fell onto the ground.


I stood up and looked around. 'A classroom..?' I turned around and found myself way to close to barbed-wire.


Soon enough the locker beside mine started to shake. After maybe 20 seconds of it shaking like that, a small boy came out. Onto the floor like I did.


"Ah-.. Are you okay..?" I held out my hand to him. I saw him blush a little.

"I-I'm fine! Someone like me never gets hurt! Anyway, you're cute. What's your name?

"R-really..?" I blushed a little as well but his was gone.

"No. That was a lie." He said. He put hands behind his. head

"O-oh.. Thats not s-something to joke a-about. You could really hurt someones feelings." I crossed my hands I was a bit mad but not that much.

"Okay fine. I'm sorry, but seriously what's your name."

"I-I'm... Shuichi Saihara. They call me the Ultimate Detective.. But I-I don't think I deserve the role that much.."

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