Red Handed

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Being a ghost is hard, dude.

It wasnt to say you were exactly used to your abilities. You had only really found out about them around a year ago when your house father kicked you out. A japanese teenager left alone in the streets of Italy. It was a solitary life, but a fun one nonetheless. You could go wherever you wanted, take what you could find and no one could call you on it. The first place you stayed was an old church. Once they called the exorcist, that was it for your stay there. Most of the other houses were the same, getting caught or even suspected was your call to leave. This one could be different, at least you hoped. Keeping yourself a secret was so much simpler when the people you were phrogging on were stupid.

Of course, you could avoid people easy enough- passing through walls really came through in that aspect. It was everything else that was hard. Finding a bite to eat while secretly living in someones house was really damn difficult. Especially when the house is full of assassins, trained to know when someones there. Thankfully, they were too caught up in bickering all day to actually notice you.

You had grown to know these people well over the past two months. Their habits, their attitudes, their abilities. The abilities were the main reason you were so attached to them. You were suprised to find others like you, so an oppurtunity to spy on them was like winning the lottery, especially for someone like you. Illuso, you came to learn, was particularly interesting. He was a lot like you. Passing through his mirror the same way you could pass through the walls. You knew his rules were a lot more complicated than you could pick up by eavesdropping.

You werent without rules yourself. Permeation was your strong suit. It earned you the self proclaimed 'ghost' title. You could make yourself almost entirely see through and pass-through-able as long as a single part of you was still "there". If you were to go fully permeated, youd simply fall. With no matter to stop you, you assume that you would simply fall forever. Going fully invisible was possible for you, but only for a short period of time. Another aspect of your power was healing. Only useful on others, and incredibly draining on you. You didnt use that often.

Not that you didnt like people, you just didnt like interacting with people.

You would think you wouldnt let your guard down as easy. They were all incredibly attractive, aside from the one called Pesci, as he was more cute, but they were still assassins. Mafiosos were some of the people youd think to be wary of. However, you were stupid. You fell for people so easily. These men were like ants in a farm to you- a way to entertain you for hours, while leaving them mostly undisturbed. The only way you 'harmed' them was stealing food.

Going down to get food was a simple enough task. At 10 in the morning, the men were all sleeping or out on a job. You allowed yourself to slip from the attic to the second floor, checking around yourself for any sign someone was home. No signs to be found. You climbed over to where the kitchen would be and slipped down from there. You perched on the sink and darted to the cabinet. Yesterdays meal had been skipped due to 'Melone' shattering a plate and blaming it on someone else. God, it was so annoying when they behaved normally in their own house.

The cabinet was scantily stocked. Only the blonde man whos name you were yet to discover went shopping for the group, and he was currently MIA. You reached to the back and pulled out a box of graham crackers. Your stomach growled, quite audibly, yet you kept on your search. It seemed like the men had eaten more of their share this week. Your hand touched a familiar metal tube. In your pure excitement you couldve cried. Your hand wrapped around it and you pulled out the treasure !

Before you could pocket it something behind you crashed. Loudly.

You turned faster than you could say 'Pirouline chocolate stick thingys', just to see Formaggio with a puddle of coffee at his ankles and broken glass surrounding him.

Being a ghost is hard, dude. (La Squadra x reader)Where stories live. Discover now